Browsing by Author "a3c5091e-6c6b-4c51-9ae8-a6ac0fda4bf9"
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Sandoval Alcocer, Juan (Universidad de Chile, 2016)Los cambios continuos en el código fuente de un programa pueden inadvertidamente introducir una regresión de rendimiento en tiempo de ejecución. Dichas regresiones se refieren a situaciones donde el rendimiento de un ...
Sandoval Alcocer, Juan; Bergel, Alexandre; Valente, Marco Tulio (ACM, 2016)Source code changes may inadvertently introduce performance regressions. Benchmarking each software version is traditionally employed to identify performance regressions. Although e↵ective, this exhaustive approach is ...
Bergel, Alexandre; Infante, Alejandro; Maass Olea, Sergio Andrés; Sandoval Alcocer, Juan (Elsevier, 2018-09)Expandable collections are collections whose size may vary as elements are added and removed. Hash maps and ordered collections are popular expandable collections. Expandable collection classes offer an easy-to-use API, ...
Sandoval Alcocer, Juan; Bergel, Alexandre (ACM, 2016)Little is known about how software performance evolves across software revisions. The severity of this situation is high since (i) most performance variations seem to happen accidentally and (ii) addressing a performance ...