Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Espina, Enrique; Llanos, Jacqueline; Burgos Mellado, Claudio; Cárdenas Dobson, Roberto; Martínez Gómez, Manuel; Sáez, Doris (IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers, 2020)
      There is an increasing interest and research effort focused on the analysis, design and implementation of distributed control systems for AC, DC and hybrid AC / DC microgrids. It is claimed that distributed controllers ...
    • Valencia, Felipe; Collado, Jorge; Sáez García, Doris; Marín, Luis G. (IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers, 2016)
      Microgrids have emerged as an alternative to alleviate increasing energy demands. However, because microgrids are primarily based on nonconventional energy sources (NCES), there is high uncertainty involved in their ...