Repositorio Académico strongly supports copyright of academics and researchers. Each document deposited in repository is the result of intellectual work of one or more academics and researchers from the University of Chile. Therefore, these documents, in whatever form, shall be subject to intellectual property policies determined by the same authors.
"The copyrights belong to the author of the work by the simple fact of its creation"
- Moral rights are inalienable and unalienable content. Authors retain copyright of all documents deposited in Academic Repository. The author, when depositing its documents are not transferring your copyright to the Repository, this means you are free to use the contents deposited for the purpose it deems appropriate
- The economic rights or rights of use may be transferred to third parties as in the case of publications in which the author gives some or all of these rights to the publisher. In this case it is necessary to know the conditions under which they have transferred the copyrights to publishers. The publishers have different policies regarding the "Open Access". List using SHERPA / RoMEO is recommended - copyright policies of the publishers and archiving policies to verify that the publisher Copyright established to deposit in academic repositories.
In case of to ignore the situation of the rights of a work, you must explicitly request permission from the publisher to deposit the work in the Academic Repository.
In addition, each author can decide the levels of access and use rights incoming files, with the ability to make them available for consultation via the Internet.
The publication of a work of free access to the repository is an effective way to protect copyright on a work environment. By having the publication in full text on the web and use protocols that promote its visibility, the author ensures that your work will identify with him and with the institution, protecting a possible plagiarism.
The author determines the type of license for his work and defines the use that other people can make of his digital documents, through the Creative Commons License. This is a flexible copyright system, complementary to traditional copyright, aimed at promoting creative work and offering authors the opportunity to choose different levels of use licenses that third parties may have over their works.
According to the level of access or visibility to indicate the author, four situations may arise:
- Open access: The document is available in full text, being freely accessible immediately and free of charge.
- Embargoed Access: Document that can only be accessed with metadata until it is released for open access on a specified date. The embargoes can be by publisher policies, or established by the author (for example, in the case of theses and dissertations).
- Restricted access: The document is available in full text, but with some kind of access restriction (for example, restricted to some university community).
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For the thesis of the University of Chile containing sensitive information private or government, it must define a priori the author the distribution terms of the document, so that the objectives of the thesis student work benefit, the entity facilitating their resources and the academic community.