Wat is Repositorio Académico?
R.- Is a tool to store and preserve the scientific production generated by teachers and researchers of the Universidad de Chile, making it visible from other repositories of the major universities worldwide. This service to provides access to academic materials in format.
Who can to deposit documents Repositorio Académico?
R.- If you are an academic at the University of Chile and wish to deposit your documents in the Academic Repositorio Académico, you can do so through the following modalities:
Through the option "Sending publications" available on the main page of the Academic Repository, a template is accessed where basic data of the work is entered: title, author (s), year of publication, Faculty and level of visibility. Once the description data has been entered, the file with the publication is attached.
Sending the publications by email to the Library of your Faculty, or directly to SISIB (repositorio@uchile.cl)
Through the option "Sending publications" available on the main page of the Academic Repository, a template is accessed where basic data of the work is entered: title, author (s), year of publication, Faculty and level of visibility. Once the description data has been entered, the file with the publication is attached.
Sending the publications by email to the Library of your Faculty, or directly to SISIB (repositorio@uchile.cl)
Who can upload documents to the Repositorio Académico?
R.- The Repositorio Académico of the Universidad de Chile is an open access service, therefore, anyone through Internet could visit and use this service. The restrictions on digital documents contained are determined by the authors whom deposit their documents.
What intellectual property rights do I retain when depositing my documents in the Repositorio Académico?
R.- The materials or documents deposited in the Academic Repository obey policies and practices that protect the rights of those who deposit documents in it.
In the case of theses.- The copyright belongs to the author or authors of the thesis and not to the guiding professor, nor to the University; however, an author may assign the publishing rights to third parties. For this reason, all the theses that we publish have a written authorization from the author (s) of the Thesis.
In the case of theses.- The copyright belongs to the author or authors of the thesis and not to the guiding professor, nor to the University; however, an author may assign the publishing rights to third parties. For this reason, all the theses that we publish have a written authorization from the author (s) of the Thesis.
What benefits do I have to publish my posts and / or thesis in the Academic Repository??
R.- Our interest is to store your documents, in digital format, safely, avoiding the loss of them due to potential damage or obsolescence of physical storage devices, migrating these files to new formats when the existing ones are already obsolete.
It allows efficient indexing and greater visibility, significantly increasing the dissemination of publications and / or theses, both nationally and internationally, and the possibility that they can be read and cited by other authors. Our intention is to disseminate and disseminate their academic work, using for this the tools that the development of new technologies gives us.
The Repositorio Académico is not only for those who deposit documents in it: it is for posterity to ensure that the academic production of the university is available to future researchers, preserving the intellectual memory of the University of Chile.
It allows efficient indexing and greater visibility, significantly increasing the dissemination of publications and / or theses, both nationally and internationally, and the possibility that they can be read and cited by other authors. Our intention is to disseminate and disseminate their academic work, using for this the tools that the development of new technologies gives us.
The Repositorio Académico is not only for those who deposit documents in it: it is for posterity to ensure that the academic production of the university is available to future researchers, preserving the intellectual memory of the University of Chile.
What kind of materials can to deposit?
R.- In general, any material resulting from an academic activity (class notes, articles, books, book chapters, minutes, etc.) can be deposited in the Repositorio Académico, including the first results of your research, journal articles, theses and / or oo teaching-learning resources, such as PowerPoint presentations or others. All materials must be in digital format, regardless of whether they include sound, images, text or others.
Who can upload documents to the Repositorio Académico?
R.- Academics and researchers belonging to the University of Chile by sending a request to the Repositorio Académico administrator, and support personnel duly authorized by the Administrator.
Is it mandatory to publish my thesis in full text in the Academic Repository?
R.- The University has published exempt Decree No. 20795 of 2003 that establishes the obligation to deliver an electronic copy of the pre and post graduate theses of the University of Chile. The student must submit an authorization form, duly signed, indicating whether he authorizes access to the full text of his thesis. It is established that the Schools and Secretaries of Study of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees of the University, must send the thesis in its electronic version together with the authorization form to the Dirección de Servicios de información y Bibliotecas (SISIB) through the libraries of your Faculty or Institute.
In the case of theses with restricted access to the full text, a document will be published with the basic data: cover, table of contents and abstract.
What is a co-tutoring thesis? Can I publish it in the Academic Repository?
R.- The University of Chile allows its doctoral students to carry out their doctoral thesis in co-tutoring mode, that is, in a shared way between two universities, the University of Chile and another university, national or foreign.
The University maintains an agreement with different educational institutions, from different countries, for the completion of doctoral thesis in co-tutoring mode.
The thesis must be validated by the University of Chile, according to the "Internal procedure for co-supervision of doctoral thesis" before being published in the Repositorio Académico.
For more information write to: Email: internacional.dirpostg@u.uchile.cl
The University maintains an agreement with different educational institutions, from different countries, for the completion of doctoral thesis in co-tutoring mode.
The thesis must be validated by the University of Chile, according to the "Internal procedure for co-supervision of doctoral thesis" before being published in the Repositorio Académico.
For more information write to: Email: internacional.dirpostg@u.uchile.cl
It is mandatory to deposit my documents in Repositorio Académico?
R.- No. However, depositing your documents in the Repositorio Académico will ensure adequate dissemination of them, nationally and internationally, giving the possibility that they can be read and cited by other authors. It will also contribute to the conservation of the documentary heritage of the academics of the University of Chile.
Who retain intellectual property rights to deposit my documents Repositorio Académico?
R.- Materials or documents deposited in Repositorio Académico are due to policies and practices that protect the rights of those documents deposited.
Can I request that the full text of my document is not available?
R.- If you do not want a document to be available to the general public, Repositorio Académico can block access to the full text of the document. However, access to the document's descriptive record (metadata) will not be blocked. The public will not have access to the electronic document, but to the data associated with it.
I found an error, ¿how we can modify the access?
R.- In general, you do not have privilegies necessaries to modifie documents and records deposited . Please contact to administrator of Repositorio Académico with your request. This is to ensure that the changes, if necessary, be made with appropriate controls.
The following changes may be made at the level of documents or metadata.
- Replace deposited documents (files), usually when you need to replace with a new revised version.
- Modify metadata, if it detects errors in the description of material data, (author, title, year of publication, keywords, spelling errors, etc.)
All changes indicate when were made, who made, why and for whom was authorized. Usually, the administrator performs the changes, but who's authorizes deposited material.
How much does it cost to publish in the Repositorio Académico?
R.- This service is without cost.
What file formats should I use?
R.- In general, any format.
Please contact the repository administrator to request advice about file formats used.
I can have my own Collection?
R.- Repository collections are organized according to Faculties and Institutes of the Universidad de Chile. A Faculty may have a sub-collection for a specific Department or Centre, if you with.In gene ral,Repositories does not keep individual collections, they prioritize creating collections agencies to ensure their preservation in time.
What is metadata?
What is a item or record?
R.-Item or record is a storage unitRepositorio Académico. consist in:
One or more files: A deposit item, such.
- Associated metadata: author, title, publisher, year of publication, keywords, etc.
How much space can I take?
R.- Repositorio Académico no specify a minimum or maximum size for files to deposit.