Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Carrasco Machado, Sebastián; Medina Sánchez, Pablo; Rogan, J.; Valdivia Hepp, Juan Alejandro (American Institute of Physics, 2020)
      We study the impact of deserting a pre-established path, determined by a navigation software, on the overall city traffic. To do so, we consider a cellular automaton model for vehicular traffic, where the cars travel ...
    • Castro, M. A.; Mancilla Almonacid, D.; Valdivia Hepp, Juan Alejandro; Allende, S. (IOP, 2020)
      A detailed analytic and numerical analysis of the interaction between two bubble skyrmions has been carried out. The results from the micromagnetic calculations show that when the skyrmions are in the same plane, the ...
    • Yun Cárcamo, Sohyoun; Carrasco Machado, Sebastián; Rogan Castillo, José; Correa Burrows, Paulina; Valdivia Hepp, Juan Alejandro (Nature, 2020)
      Here, we address the consequences of the extension in the space of a simple model of a system that is closed to efficient causation: the (M,R)-system model. To do so, we use a diffusion term to describe the collective ...