Browsing by Author "1b7e763e-418c-4e65-900c-29904bd44087"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Frenz, Patricia; Delgado, Iris; Kaufman, Jay S.; Harper, Sam (Oxford University Press, 2013)© The Author 2013; all rights reserved.Chile's 'health guarantees' approach to providing universal and equitable coverage for quality healthcare in a dual public-private health system has generated global interest. The ...
Maluenda, Fernando; Csendes Juhasz, Attila; Aretxabala, Xabier de; Poniachik Teller, Jaime; Salvo, Karen; Delgado, Iris; Rodriguez, Patricia (2010)Background: The different bariatric surgery techniques that alter the digestive anatomy also modify the gastric absorption surface. Since alcohol is a substance that is mainly metabolized in the stomach, the goal of this ...
Olea, Andrea; Matute, Isabel; González, Claudia; Delgado, Iris; Poffald, Lucy; Pedroni, Elena; Alfaro Morgado, Tania; Hirmas, Macarena; Nájera, Manuel; Gormaz, Ana; López, Darío; Loayza, Sergio; Ferreccio, Catterina; Gallegos, Doris; Fuentes, Rodrigo; Vial, Pablo; Aguilera, Ximena (Centers Disease Control, 2017)An outbreak of meningococcal disease with a case-fatality rate of 30% and caused by predominantly serogroup W of Neisseria meningitidis began in Chile in 2012. This outbreak required a case-control study to assess determinants ...
Matute, Isabel; Olea, Andrea; López, Darío; Loayza, Sergio; Nájera, Manuel; Arenas González, Claudia; Poffald, Lucy; Hirmas, Macarena; Delgado, Iris; Pedroni, Elena; Alfaro, Tania; Gormaz, Ana María; Sanhueza, Gabriel; Vial, Pablo; Dabanch, Jeannette; Gallegos, Doris; Aguilera, (Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia, 2015)© 2015, Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia. All rights reserved.Introduction: Meningococcal disease (MD) is a major global problem because of its case fatality rate and sequels. Since 2012 cases of serogroup W have increased ...
Sanhueza, Edgar; Contreras, Jorge; Zapata, Rodrigo; Sanhueza, Matías; Elgueta, Fabián; López, Constanza; Jerez, Sigrid; Jerez, Verónica; Delgado, Iris (Sociedad Medica de Santiago, 2017)© 2017, Sociedad Medica de Santiago. All rights reserved.Background: Currently, most liver units use the Child-Pugh (CP) or the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) scores to establish survival prognosis among patients ...
Cano Schuffeneger, Francisco; Alarcon, Claudia; Azócar Pruyas, Marta; Lizama, Carolina; Lillo, Ana María; Delucchi Bicocchi, María Angela; Gonzalez, Mariluz; Arellano, Patricia; Delgado, Iris; Droguett, Maria Teresa (2011)The short half-life of erythropoietin (rHuEPO) leads to repeated fluctuations in hemoglobin levels and the need for frequent administration. Continuous erythropoietin receptor activator (CERA) therapy has been approved for ...
Oyarte, Marcela; Delgado, Iris; Pedrero, Víctor; Agar, Lorenzo; Cabieses, Baltica (Universidade de São Paulo, 2018)OBJECTIVE: To compare cancer hospital morbidity among the local population and the immigrant population in Chile. METHODS: This is a prevalence study based on the analysis of hospital discharges of all the health centers ...
Fernández, Mario I.; Valdebenito, Patricio; Delgado, Iris; Segebre, Jorge; Chaparro, Eduardo; Fuentealba, David; Castillo, Martín; Vial, Cecilia; Barroso, Juan P.; Ziegler, Annemarie; Bustamante, Alberto (Elsevier, 2020)Background: Beyond exposure to arsenic in drinking-water, there is few information about demographic and clinicopathological features of patients with bladder cancer living in arsenic-exposed regions. The aim of the study ...
Cabrera, Raul; Hojman, Lía; Recule, Francisca; Sepulveda, Rodrigo; Delgado, Iris (Acta Dermato-Venereológica, 2018)Vitiligo is an acquired depigmenting disorder. To date, there is no predictive model for its response rate to narrowband ultraviolet B (NBUVB) phototherapy. The aim of this study was to investigate the different types of ...
Agar Corbinos, Lorenzo; Delgado, Iris; Oyarte, Marcela; Cabieses, Báltica (2017)La migración es un reconocido determinante social, con amplio impacto en la salud pública. Chile es uno de los países que presenta mayores cifras de crecimiento de la migración en Latinoamérica; pese a esto, son pocos ...
Lavados Germain, Pablo Manuel; Díaz, Violeta; Jadue, Liliana; Olavarría, Verónica V.; Cárcamo, Daniel A.; Delgado, Iris (2011)Background: Regional differences in stroke mortality rates have been described in Chile. These could be related to the distribution of cardiovascular risk factors, the quality of medical care or socioeconomic status ...
Mericq, Verónica; Salas, Paulina; Pinto, Viola; Cano Schuffeneger, Francisco; Reyes, Loreto; Brown, Keenan; Gonzalez, Magdalena; Michea Acevedo, Luis; Delgado, Iris; Delucchi Bicocchi, María Angela (2013)Background: Glucocorticoid immunosuppressant therapy in pediatric kidney transplant (Tx) recipients does not allow the improvement of growth after Tx. Objective: To determine the effect of early steroid withdrawal (SW) on ...
Cano Schuffeneger, Francisco; Sanchez, Lorena; Rebori, Anabella; Quiroz, Lily; Delucchi Bicocchi, María Angela; Delgado, Iris; Aguilar, Maria Alejandra; Azócar Pruyas, Marta; Castro, Florencia; Ibacache, Maria José; Cuevas, Mónica; Esquivel, Maria (2010)The peritoneal equilibration test (PET) is the gold standard method for defining peritoneal membrane permeability and for prescribing peritoneal dialysis (PD) therapy on an individual basis. However, it is laborious, ...
Álvarez, Carola A.; Briceño, Ana M.; Álvarez, Karla; Abufhele, Marcela; Delgado, Iris (Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría, 2018)Background: In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the determinants of subjective well-being and happiness. In that context, life satisfaction is one of the measures used to assess subjective well-being, ...
Aguilera, Ximena; Delgado, Iris; Icaza, Gloria; Apablaza, Mauricio; Villanueva Pabón, Loreto; Castillo Laborde, Carla (Public Library Science, 2020)Background Child health has been a health policy priority for more than a century in Chile. Since 2000, new health and intersectoral interventions have been implemented. However, no recent analyses have explored child ...