Browsing by Author "201-0334625"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Gómez, Andrea V.; Galleguillos, Danny; Maass Oñate, Juan; Battaglioli, Elena; Kukuljan Padilla, Manuel; Andrés, María Estela (CELL PRESS, 2008-07-25)The stress response in cells involves a rapid and transient transcriptional activation of stress genes. It has been shown that Hsp70 limits its own transcriptional activation functioning as a corepressor of heat shock ...
Maass Oñate, Juan; Berndt, F. Andrés; Cánovas, José; Kukuljan Padilla, Manuel (Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2013)The cells in the organ of Corti do not exhibit spontaneous cell regeneration; hair cells that die after damage are not replaced. Supporting cells can be induced to transdifferentiate into hair cells, but that would ...
Fuentes Bravo, Patricio Andrés (Universidad de Chile, 2012)En la neocorteza de mamíferos, la transición de progenitores neurales a neuronas de proyección y la mantención de la identidad neuronal recaen en la combinación de programas genéticos y epigenéticos que modulan eventos ...
Olguín Aguilera, Patricio (Universidad de Chile, 2006)
Kukuljan Padilla, Manuel; Taylor, Alison; Chouinard, Hilary; Olguín Aguilera, Patricio; Rojas, Cecilia V.; Ribera, Angeles B. (AMER PHYSIOLOGICAL SOC, 2003-11-01)Calcium-activated potassium channels regulate excitability of the adult nervous system. In contrast, little is known about the contribution of calcium-activated potassium channels to excitability of the embryonic nervous ...
Cánovas, José; Berndt, F. Andrés; Sepúlveda, Hugo; Aguilar, Rodrigo; Veloso, Felipe A.; Montecino, Martín; Oliva, Carlos; Maass Oñate, Juan; Sierralta Jara, Jimena; Kukuljan Padilla, Manuel (Soc. Neuroscience, 2015)The acquisition of distinct neuronal fates is fundamental for the function of the cerebral cortex. We find that the development of subcerebral projections from layer 5 neurons in the mouse neocortex depends on the high ...