Now showing items 101-103 of 103

    • Ruiz del Solar, Javier; Arenas, Matías; Verschae, Rodrigo; Loncomilla, Patricio (2012-12-18)
      The visual detection of robots is a difficult but relevant problem in several robotic applications. In the present article, a framework for the robust and fast visual detection of legged-robots is proposed. This framework ...
    • Loncomilla, Patricio; Ruiz del Solar, Javier (Springer, 2012)
      In current visual SLAM methods, pointlike landmarks (As in Filliat and Meyer (Cogn Syst Res 4(4):243–282, 2003), we use this expression to denote a landmark generated by a point or an object considered as punctual.) ...
    • Lacassie Reyes, Juan Pablo; Ruiz del Solar, Javier; Roser, Barry; Hervé Allamand, Francisco (SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, 2006-08)
      An unsupervised neural network technique, Growing Cell Structures (GCS) was used to visualize geochemical differences between four different island arc volcanic rock types: basalts, andesites, dacites and rhyolites. The ...