Browsing by Author "201-0548270"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Boisier Echeñique, Juan Pablo (Universidad de Chile, 2012)En el marco de la variabilidad de la precipitación en Chile, se estudian dos fenómenos atmosféricos de gran escala: Altas de Bloqueo y Bajas Segregadas. Estos fenómenos fueron caracterizados, respectivamente, como anomalías ...
Rutllant Costa, José; Fuenzalida Ponce, Humberto; Aceituno Gutiérrez, Patricio (AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2003)The DICLIMA field experiment was designed to test and quantify the hypothesis of an afternoon enhancement of the coastal subsidence in the extremely arid northern Chile because of solar heating over the west slope of the ...
Fuenzalida Ponce, Humberto; Sánchez, Rodrigo; Garreaud Salazar, René (2005)The occurrence of cutoff lows (COLs) in the Southern Hemisphere at 500 hPa is studied for a 31-year period using atmospheric NCEP-NCAR reanalysis. The methodology combines objective detection and tracking for cyclonic ...
Villarroel Jiménez, Claudia Paola (Universidad de Chile, 2013)Se analizan los indicadores climáticos extremos de precipitación y temperatura propuestos por el Expert Team on Climate Change Detection Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI), a partir de series diarias de temperaturas extremas ...
Pizarro Andía, Pamela Inés (Universidad de Chile, 2016)La frecuencia de neblina y nubosidad baja en el valle central de Chile fue estudiada a partir de imágenes del satélite GOES East y de datos de estaciones agrometorológicas en superficie. Se determinó que en los meses de ...
Rivera Garcés, Andrea Nelly (Universidad de ChileCyberDocs, 2011)
Cabrera Silva, Sergio; Fuenzalida Ponce, Humberto (1999-10-01)Observations with a four-channel UV radiometer in Santiago, Chile (33.5øS, 70.6øW) from January 1992 to December 1998 are presented. Chinreels are centered at 305, 320, 340 and 380 nm with a 10 nm bandwidth. Measurements were ...
Lovengreen, Charlotte; Fuenzalida Ponce, Humberto; Videla Muñoz, Leonardo (AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2005-07-27)Data gathered with a five-channel radiometer are used to analyze the spectral composition of cloud enhancements and attenuations of UV (305, 320, 340, and 380 nm) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (400-700 nm) ...
Fuenzalida Ponce, Humberto; Rosenblüth López, Benjamín (1990-03)The most common procedures to prewhite a climatological time series are considered and compared with those based on Fourier analysis. In particular, advantages and shortcomings of the anomaly method and the seasonal ...
Rosenbluth López, Benjamín; Fuenzalida Ponce, Humberto; Aceituno Gutiérrez, Patricio (1997)Results from a critical appraisal of surface mean air temperature in Chile and Argentina and extreme air temperature in Chile during the present century are presented. Observations were homogenized to produce a set of ...