Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    • Jaeger, T. De; González Gaitán, S.; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Galbany, Lluis; Anderson, J. P.; Phillips, M. M.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Carlberg, R. G.; Sullivan, M.; Gutiérrez, C. P.; Hook, I. M.; Howell, D. Andrew; Hsiao, E. Y.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Ruhlmann-Kleider, V.; Folatelli, Gastón; Pritchet, C.; Basa, S. (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017)
      The coming era of large photometric wide-field surveys will increase the detection rate of supernovae by orders of magnitude. Such numbers will restrict spectroscopic follow-up in the vast majority of cases, and hence new ...
    • Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Phillips, M. M.; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Schommer, R. A.; Maza Sancho, José; Antenaza, Roberto; Wischnjewsky, Marina; Valladares, Geraldo; Muena, César; González, L. E.; Avilés, R.; Wells, Lisa; Smith, R. C.; Navarrete, Mauricio; Covarrubias, Ricardo; Williger, G.; Walker, Alistair R.; Layden, A. C.; Elias, J. H.; Baldwin, J. A.; Hernández, Manuel; Tirado, Hernán; Ugarte, Patricio; Elston, R.; Saavedra, Nelson; Barrientos, Felipe; Costa Hechenleitner, Edgardo; Lira Teillery, Paulina; Ruiz González, María Teresa; Anguita, Claudio; Gómez, Ximena; Ortiz, P.; Della Valle, M.; Danziger, J.; Storm, J.; Kim, Y. C.; Bailyn, C.; Rubenstein, Eric P.; Tucker, D.; Cersosimo, S.; Méndez Bussard, René Alejandro; Siciliano, L.; Sherry, W.; Chaboyer, Brian; Koopmann, R. A.; Geisler, D.; Sarajedini, A.; Dey, Arjun; Tyson, N.; Rich, R. Michael; Gal, R.; Lamontagne, Robert; Caldwell, N.; Guhathakurta, Puragra; Phillips, A. C.; Szkody, P.; Prosser, C.; Ho, Luis C.; McMahan, R.; Baggley, G.; Cheng, K. P.; Havlen, R.; Wakamatsu, K.; Janes, Kenneth A.; Malkan, Mathew; Baganoff, F.; Seitzer, P.; Shara, M.; Sturch, C.; Hesser, J.; Hartigan, P.; Hughes, J.; Welch, D. L.; Williams, T. B.; Ferguson, H.; Francis, P. J.; French, L.; Bolte, M.; Roth, J.; Odewahn, S.; Howell, S.; Krzeminski, W. (American Astronomical Society, 1996-12)
      BV(RI)_KC_ light curves are presented for 27 type Ia supernovae discovered during the course of the Calan/Tololo Survey and for two other SNe Ia observed during the same period. Estimates of the maximum light magnitudes ...
    • Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Phillips, M. M.; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Schommer, R. A.; Maza Sancho, José; Antenaza, Roberto; Wischnjewsky, Marina; Valladares, Geraldo; Muena, César; González, L. E.; Avilés, R.; Wells, Lisa; Smith, R. C.; Navarrete, Mauricio; Covarrubias, Ricardo; Williger, G.; Walker, Alistair R.; Layden, A. C.; Elias, J. H.; Baldwin, J. A.; Hernández, Manuel; Tirado, Hernán; Ugarte, Patricio; Elston, R.; Saavedra, Nelson; Barrientos, Felipe; Costa Hechenleitner, Edgardo; Lira Teillery, Paulina; Ruiz González, María Teresa; Anguita, Claudio; Gómez, Ximena; Ortiz Arce, Patricio; Della Valle, Massimo; Danziger, J.; Storm, J.; Kim, Y. C.; Bailyn, C.; Rubenstein, Eric P.; Tucker, D.; Cersosimo, S.; Méndez, R. A.; Siciliano, L.; Sherry, W.; Chaboyer, Brian; Koopmann, R. A.; Geisler, D.; Sarajedini, A.; Dey, Arjun; Tyson, N.; Rich, R. Michael; Gal, R.; Lamontagne, Robert; Caldwell, N.; Guhathakurta, Puragra; Phillips, A. C.; Szkody, P.; Prosser, C.; Ho, Luis C.; McMahan, R.; Baggley, G.; Cheng, K. P.; Havlen, R.; Wakamatsu, K.; Janes, Kenneth A.; Malkan, Mathew; Baganoff, F.; Seitzer, P.; Shara, M.; Sturch, C.; Hesser, J.; Hartigan, P.; Hughes, J.; Welch, D. L.; Williams, T. B.; Ferguson, H.; Francis, P. J.; French, L.; Bolte, M.; Roth, J.; Odewahn, S.; Howell, S.; Krzeminski, W. (American Astronomical Society, 1996-12)
      BV(RI)_KC_ light curves are presented for 27 type Ia supernovae discovered during the course of the Calan/Tololo Survey and for two other SNe Ia observed during the same period. Estimates of the maximum light magnitudes ...
    • Phillips, M. M.; Contreras, Carlos; Hsiao, E. Y.; Morrell, Nidia; Burns, Christopher R.; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Ashall, C.; Freedman, Wendy L.; Hoeflich, P.; Persson, S. E.; Piro, Anthony L.; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Uddin, Syed A.; Anais, Jorge; Baron, E.; Busta, Luis; (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019)
      © 2018. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.The Carnegie Supernova Project-II (CSP-II) was an NSF-funded, four-year program to obtain optical and near-infrared observations ...
    • Hsiao, E. Y.; Phillips, M. M.; Marion, G. H.; Kirshner, R. P.; Morrell, N.; Sand, D. J.; Burns, C. R.; Contreras, C.; Hoeflich, P.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Valenti, S.; Anderson, J. P.; Ashall, C.; Baltay, C.; Baron, E.; Banerjee, D. P.K.; Davis, S.; Diamond, T. R.; Folatelli, Gastón (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019)
      Shifting the focus of Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) cosmology to the near infrared (NIR) is a promising way to significantly reduce the systematic errors, as the strategy minimizes our reliance on the empirical width-luminosity ...
    • Krisciunas, Kevin; Contreras, Carlos; Burns, Christopher R.; Phillips, M. M.; Hamuy, Mario; Stritzinger, Maximilian D.; Anais, Jorge; Boldt, Luis; Busta, Luis; Campillay, Abdo; Castellón, Sergio; Folatelli, Gastón; Freedman, Wendy L.; González, Consuelo; Hsiao, Eric Y.; Krzeminski, Wojtek; Morrell, Nidia; Persson, Sven Eric; Roth, Miguel; Salgado, Francisco; Serón, Jacqueline; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Torres, Simón; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Li, Weidong; Madore, Barry F.; DePoy, D. L.; Marshall, Jennifer L.; Rheault, Jean-Philippe; Villanueva, Steven (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2020)
    • Phillips, M. M.; Simon, Joshua D.; Morrell, Nidia; Burns, Christopher R.; Cox, Nick; Foley, Ryan J.; Karakas, Amanda; Patat, F.; Sternberg, A.; Williams, R.; Gal Yam, Avishay; Hsiao, Eric; Leonard, D.; Persson, Sven; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Thompson, I.; Campillay, Abdo; Contreras, Carlos; Folatelli, Gastón; Freedman, Wendy L.; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Roth, Miguel; Shields, Gregory; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Chomiuk, Laura; Ivans, Inese; Madore, Barry; Penprase, B.; Perley, Daniel; Pignata Libralato, Giuliano; Preston, G.; Soderberg, Alicia (The American Astronomical Society, 2013-11-10)
      High-dispersion observations of the Na i D λλ5890, 5896 and K i λλ7665, 7699 interstellar lines, and the diffuse interstellar band at 5780 Å in the spectra of 32 Type Ia supernovae are used as an independent means of ...
    • Smartt, S. J.; Valenti, S.; Fraser, M.; Inserra, C.; Young, D. R.; Sullivan, M.; Pastorello, A.; Benetti, S.; Gal-Yam, A.; Knapic, C.; Molinaro, M.; Smareglia, R.; Smith, K.W.; Taubenberger, S.; Yaron, O.; Anderson, J. P.; Ashall, C.; Balland, C.; Baltay, C.; Barbarino, C.; Bauer, Franz Erik; Baumont, S.; Bersier, D.; Blagorodnova, N.; Bongard, S.; Botticella, M.-T.; Bufano, F.; Bulla, M.; Cappellaro, E.; Campbell, H.; Cellier Holzem, F.; Chen, T. W.; Childress, M. J.; Clocchiatti, A.; Contreras, C.; Dall’Ora, M.; Danziger, J.; De Jaeger, Thomas; De Cia, A.; Della Valle, M.; Dennefeld, M.; Elias Rosa, N.; Elman, N.; Feindt, U.; Fleury, M.; Gall, E.; González Gaitán, Santiago; Galbany, Lluis; Morales Garoffolo, A.; Greggio, L.; Guillou, L. L.; Hachinger, S.; Hadjiyska, E.; Hage, P. E.; Hillebrandt, W.; Hodgkin, S.; Hsiao, E. Y.; James, P. A.; Jerkstrand, A.; Kangas, T.; Kankare, E.; Kotak, R.; Kromer, M.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Leloudas, G.; Lundqvist, P.; Lyman, J. D.; Hook, I. M.; Maguire, K.; Manulis, I.; Margheim, S.; Mattila, S.; Maund, J. R.; Mazzali, P.; McCrum, M.; McKinnon, R.; Moreno Raya, M. E.; Nicholl, M.; Nugent, P. E.; Pain, R.; Pignata Libralato, Giuliano; Phillips, M. M.; Polshaw, J.; Pumo, M. L.; Rabinowitz, D.; Reilly, E.; Romero Cañizales, C.; Scalzo, R.; Schmidt, B.; Schulze, Steve; Sim, S. A.; Sollerman, J.; Taddia, F.; Tartaglia, L.; Terreran, G.; Tomasella, L.; Turatto, M.; Walker, E.; Walton, N. A.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Yuan, F.; Zampieri, L. (EDP Sciences, 2015)
      Context. The Public European Southern Observatory Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (PESSTO) began as a public spectroscopic survey in April 2012. PESSTO classifies transients from publicly available sources and ...
    • Krisciunas, Kevin; Contreras, Carlos; Burns, Christopher R.; Phillips, M. M.; Stritzinger, Maximilian D.; Morrell, Nidia; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Anais, Jorge; Boldt, Luis; Busta, Luis; Campillay, Abdo; Castellón, Sergio; Folatelli, Gastón; Freedman, Wendy L.; González, Consuelo; Hsiao, Eric Y.; Krzeminski, Wojtek; Persson, Sven Eric; Roth, Miguel; Salgado, Francisco; Serón, Jacqueline; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Torres, Simón; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Li, Weidong; Madore, Barry F.; DePoy, D. L.; Marshall, Jennifer L.; Rheault, Jean-Philippe; Villanueva, Steven (IOP Publishing, 2017)
      We present final natural-system optical (ugriBV) and near-infrared (YJH) photometry of 134 supernovae (SNe) with probable white dwarf progenitors that were observed in 2004-2009 as part of the first stage of the Carnegie ...
    • Minniti, D.; Saito, R. K.; Forster, Francisco; Pignata Libralato, Giuliano; Ivanov, V. D.; Lucas, P. W.; Beamin, J. C.; Borissova, J.; Catelan, M.; González, O. A.; Hempel, M.; Hsiao, E. Y.; Kurtev, R.; Majaess, D.; Masetti, N.; Morrell, N. I.; Phillips, M. M.; Pullen, J. B.; Rejkuba, M.; Smith, L.; Surot, F.; Valenti, E.; Zoccali, M. (Institute of Physics, 2017)
      We report the discovery of an enigmatic large-amplitude (DKs > 10.5 mag) transient event in near-IR data obtained by the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) ESO Public Survey. The object (designated VVV-WIT- 06) is ...
    • Anderson, P.; Dessart, L.; Gutierrez, C.; Kruhler, T.; Galbany, Lluis; Jerkstrand, A.; Smartt, S.; Contreras, C.; Morrell, N.; Phillips, M.; Stritzinger, M.; Hsiao, E.; González Gaitán, Santiago; Agliozzo, C.; Castellon, Sergio; Chambers, K.; Chen, T.; Flewelling, H.; González, C.; Hosseinzadeh, G.; Huber, M.; Fraser, M.; Inserra, C.; Kankare, E.; Mattila, S.; Magnier, E.; Maguire, K.; Lowe, T.; Sollerman, J.; Sullivan, M.; Young, D.; Valenti, S. (Nature Publishing Group, 2018-07)
      Red supergiants have been confirmed as the progenitor stars of the majority of hydrogen-rich type II supernovae(1). However, while such stars are observed with masses > 25 M-circle dot (ref. (2)), detections of > 18 M-circle ...
    • Rodríguez, O.; Pignata Libralato, Giuliano; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Clocchiatti, A.; Phillips, M. M.; Krisciunas, K.; Morrell, N. I.; Folatelli, Gastón; Roth, M.; Castellón, S.; Jang, I. S.; Apostolovski, Y.; López, P.; Marchi, S.; Ramírez, R.; Sánchez, P. (Oxford University Press, 2019)
      Motivated by the advantages of observing at near-IR wavelengths, we investigate Type II supernovae (SNe II) as distance indicators at those wavelengths through the Photospheric Magnitude Method (PMM). For the analysis, we ...
    • Anderson, J. P.; Gutiérrez, C. P.; Dessart, L.; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Galbany, Lluis; Morrell, N. I.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Phillips, M. M.; Folatelli, Gastón; Boffin, H. M. J.; De Jaeger, Thomas; Kuncarayakti, Hanindyo; Prieto, J. L. (EDP Sciences, 2016)
      Context. Spectral modelling of type II supernova atmospheres indicates a clear dependence of metal line strengths on progenitor metallicity. This dependence motivates further work to evaluate the accuracy with which these ...
    • Anderson, J. P.; Gutiérrez, C. P.; Dessart, L.; Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario; Galbany, Lluis; Morrell, N. I.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Phillips, M. M.; Folatelli, Gastón; Boffin, H. M. J.; De Jaeger, Thomas; Kuncarayakti, Hanindyo; Prieto, J. L. (EDP Sciences, 2016)