Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Tangy, Frédéric; Vernant, Jean‐Claude ‐C; Coscoy, Laurent; Ossondo, Marlène; Bellance, RéMi; Zaninovic, Vladimir; Cartier Rovirosa, Luis; Brahic, Michel; Ozden, Simona (1995)
      We searched for the presence of human T‐cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV‐I) sequences in central nervous system and muscle lesions of 3 patients with tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV‐I—associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM) and ...
    • Fujiyoshi, Toshinobu; Yashiki, Shinji; Fujiyama, Chihaya; Kuwayama, Masahiro; Miyashita, Hiroki; Ohnishi, Hiroshi; Blank, Michelle; Zaninovic, Vladimir; Blank, Abraham; Cartier Rovirosa, Luis; Byrnes, John J.; Harrington, William J.; Miura, Tomoyuki; Hayami, Masanori; Tajima, K (1995)
      Thd investigate the genetic background of human T‐cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV‐I) and II (HTLV‐IIhd carriers among South American native Indians, we analyzed HLA DRBI*‐DQBI * haplotypes of the virus carriers from Andes ...
    • Miura, Tomoyuki; Fukunaga, Takuya; Igarashi, Tatsuhiko; Yamashita, Masahiro; Ido, Eiji; Funahashi, Shin Ichi; Ishida, Takafumi; Washio, Keiko; Ueda, Shintarou; Hashimoto, Ken Ichiro; Yoshida, Mitsuaki; Osame, Mitsuhiro; Singhal, Bhim Sen; Zaninovic, Vladimir; Cartier, (National Academy of Sciences, 1994)
      Isolates of human T-lymphotropic virus type I(HTLV-I) were phylogenetically analyzed from native inhabitants in India and South America (Colombia and Chile) and from Ainu (regarded as pure Japanese descendants from the ...