Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Sung, H. H.; Castro, I.; González, S.; Aguilera, S.; Smorodinsky, N. I.; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Bahamondes, V.; Alliende, C.; Cortés, J.; Molina, C.; Urzúa, U.; Barrera, M. J.; Hermoso Ramello, Marcela; Herrera, L.; Leyton, C.; González, M. J. (Blackwell, 2015)
      ORIGINAL ARTICLEMUC1/SEC and MUC1/Y overexpression is associatedwith inflammation in Sj€ogren’s syndromeHH Sung1,*, I Castro1,*, S Gonz alez2, S Aguilera3, NI Smorodinsky4, AFG Quest1,5, V Bahamondes1,C Alliende1, J Cort ...
    • Castro, I.; Sepúlveda, D.; Cortés, J.; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Barrera, M. J.; Bahamondes, V.; Aguilera, S.; Urzúa, U.; Alliende, C.; Molina, C.; González, S.; Hermoso, M. A.; Leyton, C.; González, M. J. (2013)
      Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of undefined etiology. Patients with this syndrome suffer from severe alterations in both the quality and quantity of saliva and tears, due to impaired function of ...
    • Barrera, M. J.; Bahamondes, V.; Sepúlveda, D.; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Castro, I.; Cortés, J.; Aguilera, S.; Urzúa, U.; Molina, C.; Pérez, P.; Ewert, P.; Alliende, C.; Hermoso, M. A.; González, S.; Leyton, C.; González, M. J. (2013)
      The most difficult component in our understanding of human autoimmunity remains a rigorous dissection of etiological events. Indeed, the vast literature on autoimmune diseases focuses on the inflammatory response, with the ...