Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Laniau, Julie; Frioux, Clemence; Nicolas, Jacques; Baroukh, Caroline; Cortés, María Paz; Got, Jeanne; Trottier, Camille; Eveillard, Damien; Siegel, Anne (PeerJ Inc., 2017)
      Back ground. The emergence of functions in biological systems is a long-standing issue that can now be addressed at the cell level with the emergence of high throughput technologies for genome sequencing and phenotyping. ...
    • Thomas, Francois; Bordron, Philippe; Eveillard, Damien; Michel, Gurvan (Frontiers media SA, 2017)
      Flavobacteriia are recognized as key players in the marine carbon cycle, due to their ability to efficiently degrade algal polysaccharides both in the open ocean and in coastal regions. The chemical complexity of algal ...
    • Mandakovic Seyler, Dinka; Rojas, Claudia; Maldonado, Jonathan; Latorre Mora, Mauricio; Travisany, Dante; Delage, Erwan; Bihouee, Audrey; Jean, Geraldine; Díaz, Francisca; Fernández Gómez, Beatriz; Cabrera, Pablo; Gaete, Alexis; Latorre, Claudio; Gutiérrez, Rodrigo A.; Maass Sepúlveda, Alejandro; Cambiazo Ayala, Liliana; Navarrete, Sergio A.; Eveillard, Damien; González Canales, Mauricio (Nature Publishing Group, 2018)
      Understanding the factors that modulate bacterial community assembly in natural soils is a longstanding challenge in microbial community ecology. In this work, we compared two microbial co-occurrence networks representing ...