Browsing by Author "5977ef50-96ff-4728-8251-cda41f405da5"
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Sales, Francisco; Parraguez Gamboa, Víctor; Freitas de Melo, Aline; Ungerfeld, Rodolfo (Elsevier, 2020)Undernourishment is a frequent condition in sheep pregnancies under extensive systems, since most of the pregnancies occur when the prairie has the lowest forage allowance. Underfed sheep pregnancies are associated with ...
Sales, Francisco; Peralta, Oscar A.; Narbona, Eileen; McCoard, Sue; Lira, Raúl; Reyes Solovera, Mónica de los; González Bulnes, Antonio; Parraguez Gamboa, Víctor (MDPI, 2019)Twinning and maternal nutritional restriction leads to fetal hypoxia, oxidative stress, and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) in near-term sheep pregnancies. Our aim was to determine the effect of oral supplementation ...
Sales, Francisco; Peralta, Oscar A.; Narbona, Eileen; Mccoard, Sue; González Bulnes, Antonio; Parraguez Gamboa, Víctor (Oxford University Press, 2019)Fetal hypoxia, resulting in oxidative stress in pregnancies, contributes to reduced fetal growth. Melatonin, a potent antioxidant, has been associated with improved oxidative status. Maternal oral melatonin supplementation ...
Parraguez Gamboa, Víctor; Sales, Francisco; Peralta Troncoso, Óscar; Narbona Narbona, Eileen; Lira, Raúl; Reyes Solovera, Mónica de los; González Bulnes, Antonio (MDPI, 2020)Simple Summary In twin-bearing ewes, undernourishment during pregnancy lowers the birth weight and increases morbidity and mortality of lambs. One of the causes is oxidative stress, which can be prevented by supplementing ...