Browsing by Author "5d8fbca8-a388-47d6-a576-34c318772bc2"
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Cáceres Sánchez, Liliana; Torrico Bazoberry, Daniel; Cossio, Romina; Reque, Kenia; Aguilar, Sandra; Niemeyer Marich, August; Pinto, Carlos F. (Wiley, 2017)1. Treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) exhibit a wide range of social behaviours related to maternal care and nymphal aggregation. Maternal care represents an investment in terms of time and energy leading to trade-offs ...
Pinto, Carlos F.; Torrico Bazoberry, Daniel; Flores Prado, Luis; Bustamante Araya, Ramiro; Niemeyer, Hermann M. (Elsevier, 2020)The mechanisms which promote divergence in populations of phytophagous insects using alternative hosts depend on the characterization of hosts as different selective scenarios and the modeling of the demographic dynamics ...
Torrico Bazoberry, Daniel; Pinto, Carlos F.; Flores Prado, Luis; Fonturbel, Francisco; Niemeyer Marich, August (Springer, 2016)The pronotum is the most distinctive and representative structure in treehoppers. Although several functions have been proposed for this structure, its involvement in fitness has not been formally evaluated. Given the high ...
Urquizo, Omar N.; Véliz Baeza, David; Torrico Bazoberry, Daniel; Vega Retter, Caren; Flores Prado, L.; Niemeyer Fernández, Hermann; Pinto, C.F. (Springer, 2020)Alchisme grossa is a treehopper species showing maternal care until at least the third nymphal instar. A secondary female treehopper has frequently been observed near a family (primary female guarding its egg clutch). ...
Torrico Bazoberry, Daniel; Pinto, Carlos F.; Davyt Colo, Joselina; Niemeyer Marich, August (Taylor & Francis, 2020)Larvae of Leptus hringuri parasitizing families (adult female + offspring) of the treehopper Alchisme grossa on two host-plants, Brugmansia suaveolens (BS) and Solanum ursinum (SU), were studied. The effect of microenvironmental ...
Torrico Bazoberry, Daniel (2018-11)La capacidad de percibir y responder a los estímulos físicos, tales como las señales vibracionales (SV), es fundamental para la supervivencia de los seres vivos. El rol de los sentidos y la comunicación animal han sido ...