Browsing by Author "6c595965-77d7-46f9-b2e7-038e6dbbb765"
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Ripoll M., Erna; Valenzuela Bravo, María Teresa; Vergara F, Rodrigo; Abarca Villaseca, Katia; Muñoz M, Alma; Jiménez de la Jara, Jorge; Pinto C, M. Eugenia; Luchsinger F, Vivian (Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia, 2010)The article summarizes the scientific evidence related with protection conferred by the 23 valent polysacchardie vaccine against invasive pneumococcal disease, non bacteriemic pneumococcal pneumonia, and probable pneumococal ...
Abarca Villaseca, Katia; Valenzuela Bravo, María Teresa; Vergara F., Rodrigo; Luchsinger Farías, Vivian; Muñoz M., Alma; Jiménez de la Jara, Jorge; Ripoll M., Erna; O'Ryan Gallardo, Miguel (SOC MEDICA SANTIAGO, 2008-11)This article briefly reviews the epidemiology of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and associated diseases globally and in Chile, and the scientific information of the licensed HPV vaccines: Garadasil (R) and Cervarix ...
Jiménez de la Jara, Jorge; Agar Corbinos, Lorenzo (Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud, 2014)© 2014, Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud. All rights reserved. The purpose of this article is to review the main ideas of doctor Abraham Horwitz’s thinking (1910-2000), who dedicated all his life to public health, ...