Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Eckhardt, Gert; Urzúa, Alejandro; Cassels Niven, Bruce (American Chemical Society, 1981-12-08)
      The electron impact-induced fragmentation of aristolochic acids and some synthetic model compounds has been investigated using high resolution mass spectrometry. It was found that the only primary cleavage given by ...
    • Yurac, Ratko; Zamorano, Juan J.; Lira, Fernando; Valiente, Diego; Ballesteros, Vicente; Urzúa, Alejandro (Springer, 2016)
      Purpose A recurrent lumbar disc herniation (RLDH) is the most prevalent cause for new radicular pain after surgery for disc herniation-induced sciatica. Reported risk factors include age, gender and smoking, while its ...