Browsing by Author "7a097943-6379-4afa-903e-b30b70ebaa13"
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Zapata, Beatriz; Gaete, Gabriela; Correa, Loreto A.; González, Benito A.; Ebensperger, Luis A. (2009)Although allosuckling, the lactation of non-filial offspring, can be a costly behavior, it has been reported in several species across a wide range of mammalian orders. Monotocous species such as ungulates exhibit this ...
Zapata, Beatriz; González, Benito A.; Ebensperger, Luis A. (2009)Females in several ungulates transfer milk to non-filial (NF) offspring, in a process known as allonursing. This behavior is less common in monotocous species, including most ungulates, and it has been associated ...
Marín, Juan C.; Zapata, Beatriz; González, Benito A.; Bonacic, Cristian; Wheeler, Jane C.; Casey, Ciara; Bruford, Michael W.; Palma, R. Eduardo; Poulin, Elie; Alliende, M. Angélica; Spotorno, Ángel E. (2007)Four camelid species exist in South America: two wild, the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna), and two domestic, the alpaca (Lama pacos) and the llama (Lama glama). However, the origin of the domestic ...