Browsing by Author "7b8b0b3b-e5bf-4d37-a892-00deb4138056"
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Sabat Kirkwood, Alejandro Pablo; Narváez, Cristóbal; Peña Villalobos, Isaac; Aranda Contreras, Carolina Andrea; Maldonado, Karin; Sánchez Hernández, Juan C.; Newsome, Seth D.; Nespolo, Roberto; Bozinovic, Francisco (Frontiers media SA, 2017)Many physiological adjustments occur in response to salt intake in several marine taxa, which manifest at different scales from changes in the concentration of individual molecules to physical traits of whole organisms. ...
Maldonado, Karin; Newsome, Seth D.; Razeto Barry, Pablo; Ríos, Juan Manuel; Piriz, Gabriela; Sabat Kirkwood, Alejandro Pablo (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2019)© 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS Individual diet specialisation (IS) is frequent in many animal taxa and affects population and community dynamics. The niche variation hypothesis (NVH) predicts that broader population ...
Poblete, Yanina; Gutiérrez, Víctor; Cid, Valeska; Newsome, Seth D.; Sabat Opazo, Pablo; Vásquez Salfate, Rodrigo (Springer, 2018)Populations of the same species can vary substantially in their behavioral and morphometric traits when they are subject to different environmental pressures, which may lead to the development of different adaptive strategies. ...
Rader, Jonathan A.; Newsome, Seth D.; Sabat Kirkwood, Alejandro Pablo; Chesser, R. Terry; Dillon, Michael E.; Martínez del Río, Carlos (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2017)© 2016 The Authors. Journal of Animal Ecology © 2016 British Ecological SocietyBecause a broad spectrum of resource use allows species to persist in a wide range of habitat types, and thus permits them to occupy large ...
Duclos, Melanie; Sabat, Pablo; Newsome, Seth D.; Pavez, Eduardo F.; Galbán-Malagón, Cristóbal; Jaksic, Fabian M.; Quirici, Verónica (Elsevier, 2020)Human-dominated environments alter the availability and quality of resources for many species, especially for scavengers that have large home ranges and plastic foraging behaviors that enable them to exploit novel resources. ...
Newsome, Seth D.; Sabat Kirkwood, Alejandro Pablo; Wolf, Nathan; Rader, Jonathan A.; Del Rio, Carlos Martinez; Peters, D. P.C. (Ecological Society of America, 2015)© 2015 Newsome et al. One of the fastest growing uses of stable isotope analysis in ecology is using hydrogen isotope (δ2H) values to characterize animal movement and migration strategies. Most studies measure δ2H values ...
Tapia Monsalve, Romina; Newsome, Seth; Sánchez Hernández, Juan Carlos; Bozinovic, Francisco; Nespolo, Roberto; Sabat Kirkwood, Alejandro Pablo (Springer, 2018)Life in saline environments represents a major physiological challenge for birds, particularly for passerines that lack nasal salt glands and hence are forced to live in environments that do not contain salty resources. ...
Maldonado Pacheco, Karín; Bozinovic, Francisco; Newsome, Seth D.; Sabat Kirkwood, Alejandro Pablo (Ecological Society of America, 2017)The niche variation hypothesis (NVH) predicts that populations with broader niches should exhibit greater between- individual diet variation or individual specialization (IS) relative to populations with narrower niches. ...
Sabat Kirkwood, Alejandro Pablo; Bozinovic, Francisco; Contreras-Ramos, Carolina; Nespolo, Roberto F.; Newsome, Seth D.; Quirici, Veronica; Maldonado, Karin; Peña-Villalobos, Isaac; Ramirez-Otarola, Natalia; Sanchez-Hernandez, Juan Carlos (Elsevier Inc., 2019)© 2019 Elsevier Inc.Physiological traits associated with maintenance, growth, and reproduction demand a large amount of energy and thus directly influence an animal's energy budget, which is also regulated by environmental ...