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    • Lang, Philipp; Meidt, Sharon E.; Rosolowsky, Erik; Nofech, Joseph; Schinnerer, Eva; Leroy, Adam K.; Emsellem, Eric; Pessa, Ismael; Glover, Simon C.O.; Groves, Brent; Hughes, Anne; Kruijssen, J. M. Diederik; Querejeta, Miguel; Schruba, Andreas; Bigiel, Frank; Blanc Mendiberri, Guillermo; Chevance, Mélanie; Colombo, Dario; Faesi, Christopher; Henshaw, Jonathan D.; Herrera, Cinthya N.; Liu, Daizhong; Pety, Jérôme; Puschnig, Johannes; Saito, Toshiki; Sun, Jiayi; Usero, Antonio (IOP Publishing, 2020)
      We present kinematic orientations and high-resolution (150 pc) rotation curves for 67 main-sequence star-forming galaxies surveyed in CO (2-1) emission by PHANGS-ALMA. Our measurements are based on the application of a new ...