Browsing by Author "981007351891703936"
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Comparison of nucleon-nucleon potential models in a full-folding description of elastic scattering Arellano Sepúlveda, Hugo; Brieva Rodríguez, Francisco; Love, W. G.; Nakayama, K. (1991-04)The sensitivity of proton-nucleus elastic scattering to different nucleon-nucleon effective interactions is studied within the framework of the nonrelativistic full-folding model. Calculations of the nucleon-nucleus ...
Arellano Sepúlveda, Hugo; Brieva Rodríguez, Francisco; Love, W. G. (1994-11)We investigate the role of the full dynamical dependence of the free off-shell nucleon-nucleon t matrix on the optical potential for proton-nucleus elastic scattering in the 100—400 MeV incident energy range within a ...
Arellano Sepúlveda, Hugo; Brieva Rodríguez, Francisco; Love, W. G. (AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 1995-07)We develop an approach for incorporating both medium and off-shell effects in the calculation of full-folding nucleon-nucleus optical potentials for elastic scattering. The approach is based on a flexible scheme for ...
Arellano Sepúlveda, Hugo; Brieva Rodríguez, Francisco; Love, W. G. (1990)Nonrelativistic full-folding optical model potentials for nucleon elastic scattering have been calculated and applied to proton scattering on ' 0 and Ca at energies between 135 and 500 MeV. The optical potentials were ...
Arensburg Castelli, Svenska; Aceituno Morales, Roberto; Barrientos, Jaime; Brieva Rodríguez, Francisco; Castro Rojas, María Victoria; Duarte, Pablo; Holzapfel Ossa, Cristóbal; Koljatic, Matko; Méndez Melgar, César; Oyarzún Robles, Pablo; Poblete, Carlos; Velasco, Patricio; Waltermann, Astrid (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2015)
Arellano Sepúlveda, Hugo; Brieva Rodríguez, Francisco; Love, W. G. (1990-08)A framework based on a full-folding model of the nucleon optical potential is presented for studying nuclear densities of closed-shell nuclei using intermediate energy nucleon scattering. Using a density-matrix expansion ...
Dellafiore, A.; Matera, F.; Brieva Rodríguez, Francisco (1998)
Arellano Sepúlveda, Hugo; Brieva Rodríguez, Francisco; Sander, M.; von Geramb, H. V. (AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC, 1996-11)The sensitivity of nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering to the off-shell behavior of realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions is investigated when on-shell equivalent nucleon-nucleon potentials are used. The study is based on ...
Arellano Sepúlveda, Hugo; Brieva Rodríguez, Francisco; Sander, M.; von Geramb, H. V. (1996-11)The sensitivity of nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering to the off-shell behavior of realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions is investigated when on-shell equivalent nucleon-nucleon potentials are used. The study is based on ...
Arellano Sepúlveda, Hugo; Love, W. G.; Brieva Rodríguez, Francisco (1991-06)Full-folding model calculations of proton elastic scattering at intermediate energy made using the free off-shell NNt matrix and including the variation of the energy in the NN center of mass as prescribed by the ...