Browsing by Author "XX561672"
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Mayo Glaser, Tamara de; Miralles Lozano, Rodolfo; Barrero, D.; Bulboa, Alonso; Carvajal, D.; Valenzuela, S.; Ormeño Ortiz, Guillermo (BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, 2005-07)The objective of this study was to determine the effects of breathing type and body position on sternocleidomastoid and suprahyoid electromyographic (EMG) activity. The sample included 18 subjects with upper costal breathing ...
Gutiérrez Otárola, Luis; Villagrán Campusano, Sergio (Universidad de Chile, 2003)
Cheuquelaf Galaz, Cristian Eduardo; Vergara Beltrán, Carla Belén (Universidad de Chile, 2006)Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron determinar si existe diferencia en la velocidad de conducción nerviosa motora de las extremidades superiores entre guitarristas clásicos y sujetos no guitarristas y determinar si existe ...
Miralles Lozano, Rodolfo; Gallardo, Francisca; Baeza Paredes, Mauricio; Valenzuela, Saúl; Ravera, María José; Ormeño Ortiz, Guillermo; Cavada Chacón, Gabriel (2007)The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of canine guidance and group function on supra- and infrahyoid EMG activity in the lateral decubitus position at different jaw posture tasks. The sample included 40 ...
Relación grado de preferencia motora y velocidad de conducción nerviosa en nervios medianos humanos. Carrasco Spencer, Eduardo; Lozano Sandomingo, Yamil (Universidad de Chile, 2004)