Browsing by Author "XX564637"
Now showing items 1-20 of 49
Garay Brignardello, Guido; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Brooks, Kate J.; Videla, Liza; Contreras, Yanett (2007)We present observations of 1.2 mm dust continuum emission made with the Swedish-ESO Submillimeter Telescope toward 18 luminous IRAS point sources, all with colors typical of compact H II regions and associated with CS(2 ...
Brooks, Kate J.; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2003-09-10)IRAS 16547 - 4247 is the most luminous (6.2 x 10(4) L-.) embedded young stellar object known to harbor a thermal radio jet. We report the discovery using the Very Large Telescope Infrared Spectrometer and Array Camera of ...
Becerra Saavedra, Fernando Felipe (Universidad de Chile, 2012)Estudiamos la formación estelar en escalas galácticas y el crecimiento de agujeros negros a través de simulaciones usando el código de grilla adaptativa de refinamiento Enzo. Nuestro estudio se centra en dos de las más ...
Maureira, María José; Arce, Héctor G.; Offner, Stella S. R.; Dunham, Michael M.; Pineda, Jaime E.; Fernández López, Manuel; Chen, Xuepeng; Mardones Pérez, Diego (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2017)We use CARMA 3 mm continuum and molecular lines (NH2D, N2H+, HCO+, HCN, and CS) at similar to 1000 au resolution to characterize the structure and kinematics of the envelope surrounding the deeply embedded first core ...
Silva Bustamante, Andrea (Universidad de Chile, 2010)El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar las propiedades físicas y cinemáticas en el interior de seis núcleos densos y masivos seleccionados en base a la forma de sus perfiles de la línea CS(2-1), que indican existencia de ...
ALMA cycle 1 observations of the hh46/47 molecular outflow: structure, entrainment, and core impact Zhang, Yichen; Arce, Héctor G.; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Cabrit, Sylvie; Dunham, Michael M.; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Noriega-Crespo, Alberto; Offner, Stella; Raga, Alejandro; Corder, Stuartt A. (The American Astronomical Society, 2016-12-01)We present Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array Cycle 1 observations of the HH 46/47 molecular outflow using combined 12 m array and Atacama Compact Array observations. The improved angular resolution and sensitivity ...
Maureira, María José; Arce, Héctor G.; Dunham, Michael M.; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Guzmán, Andrés E.; Pineda, Jaime E.; Bourke, Tyler L. (Oxford University Press, 2020)We present ALMA3 mm molecular line and continuum observations with a resolution of similar to 3.5 arcsec towards five first hydrostatic core (FHSC) candidates (L1451-mm, Per-bolo 58, Per-bolo 45, L1448-IRS2E, and Cha-MMS1). ...
Arce, Héctor G.; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Corder, Stuartt A.; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Noriega - Crespo, Alberto; Raga, Alejandro C. (The American Astronomical Society, 2013-09-01)The morphology, kinematics, and entrainment mechanism of the HH 46/47 molecular outflow were studied using new ALMA Cycle 0 observations. Results show that the blue and red lobes are strikingly different. We argue that ...
Louvet, Fabien; Dougados, Catherine; Cabrit, S.; Hales, A.; Pinte, Christophe; Ménard, F.; Bacciotti, F.; Coffey, D.; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Gueth, F. (EDP Sciences, 2016)Aims. Recently, differences in Doppler shifts across the base of four close classical T Tauri star jets have been detected with the HST in optical and near-ultraviolet (NUV) emission lines, and these Doppler shifts were ...
Plunkett, Adele; Arce, Héctor; Corder, Stuartt; Dunham, Michael; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Mardones Pérez, Diego (IOP Publishing, 2015)Molecular outflows driven by protostellar cluster members likely impact their surroundings and contribute to turbulence, affecting subsequent star formation. The very young Serpens South cluster consists of a particularly ...
Liu, Tie; Evans, Neal J.; Kim, Kee-Tae; Goldsmith, Paul F.; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Zhang, Qizhou; Tatematsu, Ken’ichi; Wang, Ke; Juvela, Mika; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Cunningham, María R.; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Hirota, Tomoya; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Kang, Sung-Ju; Li, Di; Li, Pak Shing; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Qin, Sheng-Li; Ristorcelli, Isabelle; Tej, Anandmayee; Toth, L. Viktor; Wu, Jing-Wen; Wu, Yue-Fang; Yi, Hee-weon; Yun, Hyeong-Sik; Liu, Hong-Li; Peng, Ya-Ping; Li, Juan; Li, Shang-Huo; Lee, Chang Won; Shen, Zhi-Qiang; Baug, Tapas; Wang, Jun-Zhi; Zhang, Yong; Issac, Namitha; Zhu, Feng-Yao; Luo, Qiu-Yi; Soam, Archana; Liu, Xun-Chuan; Xu, Feng-Wei; Wang, Yu; Zhang, Chao; Ren, Zhiyuan; Zhang, Chao (Oxford University Press, 2020)The ATOMS, standing for ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions, survey has observed 146 active star-forming regions with ALMA band 3, aiming to systematically investigate the spatial distribution ...
Liu, Tie; Evans, Neal J.; Kim, Kee-Tae; Goldsmith, Paul F.; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Zhang, Qizhou; Tatematsu, Ken’ichi; Wang, Ke; Juvela, Mika; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Cunningham, Maria. R.; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Hirota, Tomoya; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Kang, Sung-Ju; Li, Di; Li, Pak Shing; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Qin, Sheng-Li; Ristorcelli, Isabelle; Tej, Anandmayee; Toth, L. Viktor; Wu, Jing-Wen; Wu, Yue-Fang; Yi, Hee-weon; Yun, Hyeong-Sik; Liu, Hong-Li; Peng, Ya-Ping; Li, Juan; Li, Shang Huo; Lee, Chang Won; Shen, Zhi-Qiang; Baug, Tapas; Wang, Jun-Zhi; Zhang, Yong; Issac, Namitha; Zhu, Feng-Yao; Luo, Qiu-Yi; Liu, Xun-Chuan; Xu, Feng-Wei; Wang, Yu; Zhang, Chao; Ren, Zhiyuan; Zhang, Chao (Oxford University Press, 2020)We report studies of the relationships between the total bolometric luminosity (L-bol or L-TIR) and the molecular line luminosities of J = 1 - 0 transitions of (HCN)-C-13, (HCO+)-C-13, HCN, and HCO+ with data obtained from ...
Rebolledo Lara, David Andrés (Universidad de ChilePrograma Cybertesis, 2007)En esta tesis presento observaciones de la emisión en las líneas moleculares C8(2 -+ 1) y 13CO(2 -+ 1) hechas con el telescopio 8E8T, hacia las regiones de formación estelar NGC 6334 y NGC 6357. Observé un total de 68 ...
Plunkett, Adele L.; Arce, Héctor G.; Corder, Stuartt A.; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Sargent, Anneila I.; Schnee, Scott L. (The American Astronomical Society, 2013-09-01)We present observations of outflows in the star-forming region NGC 1333 using the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy (CARMA). We combined the 12CO and 13CO (1–0) CARMA mosaics with data from the 14 ...
Plunkett, Adele L.; Arce, Héctor G.; Corder, Stuartt A.; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Sargent, Anneila I.; Schnee, Scott L. (IOP Publishing, 2015)
Evans II, Neal J.; Di Francesco, James; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Jørgensen, Jes K.; Choi, Minho; Myers, Philip C.; Mardones Pérez, Diego (The American Astronomical Society, 2015)Observations of the isolated globule B335 with ALMA have yielded absorption features against the continuum that are redshifted from the systemic velocity in both HCN and HCO+ lines. These features provide unambiguous ...
Garay Brignardello, Guido; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Brooks, K. J.; Rodríguez, L. F.; Güsten, R.; Nyman, L.-Å.; Franco Hernández, Ramiro; Morán, J. M. (EDP SCIENCES S A, 2007-02)Aims. We present molecular line observations of the molecular core associated with IRAS 16547-4247, which have allowed us to determine its physical and kinematical properties at angular resolutions of similar to 18". ...
Liu, Tie; Zhang, Qizhou; Kim, Kee-Tae; Wu, Yuefang; Lee, Chang-Won; Goldsmith, Paul F.; Li, Di; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Chen, Huei-Ru; Tatematsu, Ken'ichi; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Qin, Sheng-Li; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Cho, Se-Hyung (2016-06-10)Most bipolar outflows are associated with individual young stellar objects and have small opening angles. Here we report the discovery of an extremely wide-angle (similar to 180 degrees) bipolar outflow ("EWBO") in a cluster ...
Garay Brignardello, Guido; Faúndez, Santiago; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2004-07-20)We report the identification, from a 1.2 mm dust continuum emission survey toward massive star-forming regions, of four strong 1.2 mm sources without counterparts at mid-infrared (Midcourse Space Experiment [MSX]) and ...
Olguín Choupay, Fernándo Andrés (Universidad de Chile, 2012)Estudiamos la emisión continua de polvo de 17 núcleos densos masivos buscando caracterizar etapas tempranas de formación de estrellas masivas. Para ello elegimos fuentes con L > 1 × 10⁴ L_sol satisfaciendo el criterio de ...