Browsing by Author "XX582234"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Silva Valenzuela, Cecilia; Molina Quiroz, Roberto; Desai, Prerak; Valenzuela, Camila; Porwollik, Steffen; Zhao, Ming; Hoffman, Robert M.; Andrews-Polymenis, Helene; Contreras, Inés; Santiviago Cid, Carlos; McClelland, Michael (Frontiers Media, 2016)Two pools of individual single gene deletion (SOD) mutants of S. Typhimurium 14028s encompassing deletions of 3,923 annotated non-essential ORFs and sRNAs were screened by intraperitoneal (IP) injection in BALB/c mice ...
Quezada Bustos, Carolina Paz (Universidad de Chile, 2009)Salmonella Enteritidis es actualmente el serovar de Salmonella más prevalente a nivel mundial. Mediante el análisis bioinformático de los genomas de distintos serovares de Salmonella identificamos una región genómica que ...
Velozo Hermosilla, Paula Elizabeth (Universidad de ChileCyberDocs, 2010)
Leiva Araya, Lorenzo Eugenio (Universidad de Chile, 2013-01)Los sistemas de secreción tipo VI (T6SS) corresponden a un mecanismo de interacción célula-célula ampliamente distribuido entre bacterias Gram negativo. Si bien inicialmente al T6SS se le atribuyó un papel en la virulencia ...
Blondel Buijuy, Carlos; Jiménez Muñoz, Juan; Leiva Araya, Lorenzo; Alvarez Armijo, Sergio; Pinto Anwandter, Bernardo; Contreras Leiva, Francisca; Pezoa Aros, David; Santiviago Cid, Carlos; Contreras Osorio, Lucia (American Society for Microbiology, 2015)In Fig. 2B, the RNA polymerase sigma 70 Western blots from the supernatant fractions of strains harboring an Hcp1-3XFLAG fusion were inadvertently duplicated during assembly of the final figure, and the blots of the sigma ...
Defined Single-Gene and Multi-Gene Deletion Mutant Collections in Salmonella enterica sv Typhimurium Porwollik, Steffen; Santiviago Cid, Carlos; Cheng, Pui; Long, Fred; Desai, Prerak; Fredlund, Jennifer; Srikumar, Shabarinath; Silva, Cecilia A.; Chu, Weiping; Chen, Xin; Canals, Rocío; Reynolds, M. Megan; Bogomolnaya, Lydia; Shields, Christine; Cui, Ping; Guo, Jinbai; Zheng, Yi; Endicott Yazdani, Tiana; Yang, Hee-Jeong; Maple, Aimee; Ragoza, Yury; Blondel, Carlos J.; Valenzuela, Camila; Andrews Polymenis, Helene; McClelland, Michael (PLOS One, 2014)We constructed two collections of targeted single gene deletion (SGD) mutants and two collections of targeted multi-gene deletion (MGD) mutants in Salmonella enterica sv Typhimurium 14028s. The SGD mutant collections ...
Marcoleta, Andrés; Varas, Macarena A.; Ortiz Severin, Javiera; Vásquez, L.; Berríos Pasten, Camilo; Sabag, Andrea; Chávez Espinosa, Francisco; Allende Connelly, Miguel; Santiviago Cid, Carlos; Monasterio Opazo, Octavio; Lagos Mónaco, Rosalba (Frontiers Media SA, 2018)Multiresistant and invasive hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae strains have become one of the most urgent bacterial pathogen threats. Recent analyses revealed a high genomic plasticity of this species, harboring a variety ...
Molina Quiroz, Roberto C.; Silva, Cecilia A.; Molina, Cristian F.; Leiva, Lorenzo E.; Reyes Cerpa, Sebastián; Contreras, Inés; Santiviago Cid, Carlos (Royal Soc., 2015)It has been proposed that sub-inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics play a role in virulence modulation. In this study, we evaluated the ability of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (hereafter S. Typhimurium) to ...
Fernández, Paulina; Velásquez, Felipe; Garcias-Papayani, Héctor; Amaya, Fernando; Ortega, Jaime; Gómez, Sebastian; Santiviago Cid, Carlos; Álvarez, Sergio A. (Frontiers Media SA., 2018-06)Lipid A is the bioactive component of lipopolysaccharide, and presents a dynamic structure that undergoes modifications in response to environmental signals. Many of these structural modifications influence Salmonella ...
Silva Valenzuela, Cecilia Alejandra (Universidad de Chile, 2009)Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) es un bacilo Gram negativo, perteneciente a la familia Enterobacteriaceae que infecta una gran variedad de hospederos, incluyendo aves de corral, roedores (ratones) ...
Valenzuela Montenegro, Camila (Universidad de Chile, 2013-03)El género Salmonella comprende dos especies, S. enterica y S. bongori, que en conjunto agrupan a más de 2.500 serovares. De éstos, los pertenecientes a S. enterica subespecie enterica son responsables de aproximadamente ...
Mardones Acuña, Paula Carolina (Universidad de Chile, 2013-12)Salmonella enterica es un patógeno intracelular Gram negativo capaz de infectar un amplio rango de hospederos. En particular, S. enterica serovar Gallinarum infecta aves de corral causando una enfermedad sistémica que puede ...
Varas, Macarena A.; Riquelme Barrios, Sebastián; Valenzuela, Camila; Marcoleta, Andrés; Berríos Pasten, Camilo; Santiviago Cid, Carlos; Chávez, Francisco P. (Frontiers Media SA, 2018)Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) deficiency in enteric bacterial pathogens reduces their ability to invade and establish systemic infections in different hosts. For instance, inactivation of the polyP kinase gene (ppk) ...
Bello, J.; Sáez, D.; Escalona, E.; Velozo, P.; Santiviago Cid, Carlos; Contreras, I.; Oñate, A. (Cambridge Univ. Press., 2016)Salmonella Enteritidis is the main cause of foodborne salmonellosis worldwide. The limited effectiveness of current interventions against this pathogen has been the main incentive to develop new methods for the efficient ...
Silva Valenzuela, Cecilia; Velásquez, Felipe; Peñailillo, Johany; Garcías Papayani, H éctor; Fernández, Paulina; Tobar, Pía; Contreras, Inés; Santiviago Cid, Carlos; Álvarez Armijo, Sergio (Elsevier, 2016)Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) consists of three covalently linked domains: the lipid A, the core region and the O antigen (OAg), consisting of repeats of an oligosaccharide. Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) ...
Pezoa, David; Blondel Buijuy, Carlos José; Silva Valenzuela, Cecilia Alejandra; Yang, Hee-Jeong; Andrews Polymenis, Helene; Santiviago Cid, Carlos; Contreras, Inés (BioMed Central, 2014)The type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a virulence factor for many Gram-negative bacteria. Salmonella genus harbors five phylogenetically distinct T6SS loci encoded in Salmonella Pathogenicity Islands (SPIs) SPI-6, SPI-19, ...
Pinto Anwandter, Bernardo Ismael (Universidad de Chile, 2012-10)El género Salmonella agrupa a más de 2500 serovares, muchos de los cuales son patógenos humanos y animales. El serovar Dublin afecta principalmente al ganado bovino pudiendo llegar a infectar a seres humanos por el consumo ...
Riquelme, Sebastián; Varas, Macarena; Valenzuela, Camila; Velozo Hermosilla, Paula Elizabeth; Chahin, Nicolás; Aguilera, Paulina; Sabag, Andrea; Labra, Bayron; Álvarez Armijo, Sergio; Chávez, Francisco P.; Santiviago Cid, Carlos (Frontiers Media, 2016)The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum has proven to be a useful model for studying relevant aspects of the host-pathogen interaction. In this work, D. discoideum was used as a model to study the ability of Salmonella ...
Silva Valenzuela, Cecilia A.; Desai, Prerak; Molina Quiroz, Roberto C.; Pezoa, David; Zhang, Yong; Porwollik, Steffen; Zhao, Ming; Hoffman, Robert M.; Contreras, Inés; Santiviago Cid, Carlos; McClelland, Michael (Impact Journals, 2016)Therapeutic attenuated strains of Salmonella Typhimurium target and eradicate tumors in mouse models. However, the mechanism of S. Typhimurium for tumor targeting is still poorly understood. We performed a high-throughput ...
Valenzuela, Camila; Gil, Magdalena; Urrutia, Ítalo M.; Sabag, Andrea; Enninga, Jost; Santiviago Cid, Carlos (Wiley, 2021)The ability ofSalmonellato survive and replicate within mammalian host cells involves the generation of a membranous compartment known as theSalmonella-containing vacuole (SCV).Salmonellaemploys a number of effector proteins ...