Browsing by Author "XX610363"
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Albán García, Marco Alfonso; Rappoport Stramwasser, Jaime; Silva S., Juan Jorge; Debandi Cuadra, Aníbal (Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, 2010)Inguinal hernia represents one of the three most frequent surgical pathologies in surgical practice. About 5% of the population has the risk to develop a hernia. Clinical picture presents as a inguinal bulge, pain related ...
Obesidad mórbida asociada a quiste broncogénico y leiomioma subcardial que simula GIST. Caso clínico Rappoport Wurgaft, Daniel; Watkins Sepúlveda, Juan; Csendes Juhasz, Attila; Lillo C., Manuel; Gallegos Méndez, Iván; Rappoport Stramwasser, Jaime (2009-02)Gastric wall diseases are found in approximately of 1% of the patients submitted to bariatric surgery. Half of these are leiomiomas. Esophageal bronchogenic cysts are exceptional We report a 57 years old female with ...