Browsing by Author "XX646646"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Bravo, Javier A.; Parra, Claudio S.; Arancibia, Sandor; Andrés, Sergio; Morales Retamales, Paola; Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario; Herrera, Luisa; Lara Peñaloza, Hernán; Fiedler Temer, Jenny (2006)Background: Corticosterone reduction produced by adrenalectomy (ADX) induces apoptosis in dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus, an effect related to an increase in the expression of the pro-apoptotic gene bax. However it ...
Buscaglia Fernández, Marianne (Universidad de Chile, 2013-01)Estudios muestran que el efecto reforzante del alcohol estaría mediado por su metabolito primario, el acetaldehído. Esta molécula actuaría estimulando al sistema de recompensa, formado por neuronas dopaminérgicas que se ...
Flores Balter, Gabriela; Córdova Jadue, Héctor; Chiti Morales, Alessandra; Lespay Rebolledo, Carolyne; Espina Marchant, Pablo; Falcón Argandoña, Romina; Grinspun Siguelnitzky, Noemi; Sánchez Torres, Jessica; Bustamante Cádiz, Diego; Morales Retamales, Paola; Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario; Valdés Guerrero, José (Elsevier, 2016)Perinatal asphyxia (PA) is associated with long-term neuronal damage and cognitive deficits in adulthood, such as learning and memory disabilities. After PA, specific brain regions are compromised, including neocortex, ...
Israel Jacard, Yedy; Rivera Meza, Mario; Karahanian, Eduardo; Quintanilla González, María Elena; Tampier de Jong, Lutske; Morales Retamales, Paola; Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario (FRONTIERS RESEARCH FOUNDATION, 2013-07-08)Ethanol is metabolized into acetaldehyde mainly by the action of alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver, while mainly by the action of catalase in the brain. Aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 metabolizes acetaldehyde into acetate in ...
Quintanilla González, María Elena; Ezquer, Fernando; Morales Retamales, Paola; Ezquer, Marcelo; Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario; Israel Jacard, Yedy (Wiley, 2020)
Morales Retamales, Paola (SOC BIOLGIA CHILE, 2008)Many motor skills, once acquired, are stored over a long time period, probably sustained by permanent neuronal changes. Thus, in this paper we have investigated with quantitative stereology the generation and persistence ...
Marriott, Amber L.; Rojas Mancilla, Edgardo; Morales Retamales, Paola; Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario; Tasker, R. Andrew (Elsevier, 2017-08)It is now well established that many of society’s most devastating and costly neurological diseases and disorders arise from trauma at, or shortly after birth. In some cases deficits are seen in childhood and in others ...
Quintanilla González, María Elena; Ezquer, Fernando; Morales Retamales, Paola; Ezquer, Marcelo; Olivares, Belén; Santapau, Daniela; Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario; Israel Jacard, Yedy (Frontiers Media, 2020)Chronic ethanol intake results in brain oxidative stress and neuroinflammation, which have been postulated to perpetuate alcohol intake and to induce alcohol relapse. The present study assessed the mechanisms involved in ...
Bustamante, Diego; Morales Retamales, Paola; Torres Pereyra, Francisco; Goiny, Michel; Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario (Springer-Verlag, 2007)The present study shows that nicotinamide prevents the long-term eVect of perinatal asphyxia on dopamine release monitored with in vivo microdialysis in the neostriatum of 3-month-old rats. Perinatal asphyxia was induced ...
Farías, Jorge; Herrera Videla, Emilio; Carrasco Pozo, Catalina; Sotomayor Zárate, Ramón; Cruz, Gonzalo; Morales Retamales, Paola; Castillo Peñaloza, Rodrigo (Pergamon-Elsevier, 2016)Hypoxia is the failure of oxygenation at the tissue level,where the reduced oxygen delivered is not enough to satisfy tissue demands. Metabolic depression is the physiological adaptation associated with reduced oxygen ...
Klawitter, Verena; Morales Retamales, Paola; Bustamante, Diego; Gómez Urquijo, Sonia; Hokfelt, Tomas; Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario (SPRINGER, 2007-06)The potential neuroprotection of nicotinamide on the consequences of perinatal asphyxia was investigated with triple organotypic cultures. Perinatal asphyxia was induced in vivo by immersing foetuses-containing uterine ...
Espina Marchant, Pablo; Pinto Hamuy, Teresa; Bustamante, Diego; Morales Retamales, Paola; Robles Wobbe, Luis; Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario (SOC BIOLGIA CHILE, 2006)Place memory is relevant for exploration and forage behaviour. When food supply is dispersed, a win-shift has advantage over a win-stay strategy. In the Olton Octagonal Maze, the rat follows a win-shift strategy using ...
Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario; Pérez Lobos, R.; Lespay Rebolledo, Carolyne; Tapia Bustos, A.; Casanova Ortiz, Emmanuel; Morales Retamales, Paola; Valdés, José Luis; Bustamante, Diego; Cassels Niven, Bruce (Springer, 2018)Perinatal asphyxia (PA) is a relevant cause of death at the time of labour, and when survival is stabilised, associated with short- and long-term developmental disabilities, requiring inordinate care by health systems and ...