Browsing by Author "XX669468"
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Villasante, Alejandro; Araneda, Oscar F.; Behn Thiele, Claus; Galleguillos, Marco; Adarmes Ahumada, Héctor (Springer, 2010)In order to determine oxidative stress in equine joints with degenerative processes, we analyzed synovial fluid (SF) antioxidant capacity and the concentration of oxidative damage biomarkers in healthy and chronically ...
Silva Urra, Juan A.; Núñez Espinosa, Cristian A.; Niño Méndez, Oscar A.; Gaitán Peñas, Héctor; Altavilla, Cesare; Toro Salinas, Andrés; Torrella, Joan R.; Pagès, Teresa; Javierre, Casimiro F.; Behn Thiele, Claus; Viscor, Ginés (Elsevier, 2015)Objective.-The possible effects of blue light during acute hypoxia and the circadian rhythm on several physiological and cognitive parameters were studied. Methods.-Fifty-seven volunteers were randomly assigned to 2 ...
Miranda Aguilera, Sebastián; Rawlings Gómez, Pablo (Universidad de Chile, 2004)
Guajardo Rojas, Carlos; Vega Vidal, César (Universidad de Chile, 2003)En el último tiempo, los deportistas de elite han recurrido al entrenamiento en altura, con el fin de aumentar sus rendimientos a nivel del mar. Sin embargo, existen dudas y controversias en el conocimiento científico ...
Elgueta Zúñiga, Magdalena; Martínez Domínguez, Carla (Universidad de Chile, 2004)El entrenamiento en altura es una herramienta frecuentemente utilizada por deportistas para mejorar aún más su rendimiento. La modalidad de entrenamiento en altura Vivir arriba y entrenar abajo (LH-TL, Living high and ...
Riquelme, Gloria; Jaimovich Pérez, Enrique; Lingsch, Carlota; Behn Thiele, Claus (1982)Chemically induced shape changes of the human erythrocyte may result from cell membrane bending by surface tension changes at the lipid bilayer (Evans, E.A. (1947) Biophys. J. 14, 923-931) implicating differential expansion ...
Heinicke, Katja; Prommer, Nicole; Cajigal, Jorge; Viola, Teresa; Behn Thiele, Claus; Schmidt, Walter (Springer Verlag, 2003)While it is well established that highlanders have optimized their oxygen transport system, little is known about the acclimatization of those who move between different altitudes. The purpose of this study was to establish ...
Behn Thiele, Claus; De Gregorio Carbonell, Nicole (MDPI, 2020)Previous results evidenced acute exposure to high altitude (HA) weakening the relation between daily melatonin cycle and the respiratory quotient. This review deals with the threat extreme environments pose on body time ...
Tapia, Marcelo; Wulff-Zottele, Cristian; De Gregorio, Nicole; Lang, Morin; Varela, Héctor; Serón Ferré, María; Vivaldi Véjar, Ennio; Araneda, Oscar; Silva Urra, Juan; Gunga, Hanns-Christian; Behn Thiele, Claus (Frontiers Media, 2018-06-29)High altitude (HA) exposure may affect human health and performance by involving the body timing system. Daily variations of melatonin may disrupt by HA exposure, thereby possibly affecting its relations with a metabolic ...
Parraguez Gamboa, Víctor; Atlagich, Miljenko; Díaz, Rodrigo; Cepeda, Raquel; González, Carlos; Reyes Solovera, Mónica de los; Bruzzone Valdés, María Eugenia; Behn Thiele, Claus; Raggi Saini, Luis (ELSEVIER, 2006-09)Fetal growth and newborn weight from ovine gestations at high altitudes (HA) are greater in ewes that live at HA for several generations than in those native to low altitudes (LA) exposed to HA only during pregnancy. Because ...