Browsing by Author "XX676807"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Bitrán, M.; Álvarez Moreno, Héctor Julio; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; May Humeres, Jorge; Thaddeus, P. (1997-10)We present the data from a CO(J = 1 --> 0) survey of the central region of our Galaxy. The observations were obtained with the 1.2-m Southern Millimeter-wave Telescope at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, Chile. This ...
Guzmán, A. E.; May Humeres, Jorge; Álvarez Moreno, Héctor Julio; Maeda, K. (EDP SCIENCES, 2011-01)Aims. We study the Galactic large-scale synchrotron emission by generating a reliable all-sky spectral index map and temperature map at 45 MHz. Methods. We use our observations, the published all-sky map at 408 MHz, ...
Almy, R. C.; McCammon, D.; Digel, S. W.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; May Humeres, Jorge (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2000-12-10)Observations of the diffuse X-ray background at energies similar to3/4 and 1.5 keV show a large region of enhanced emission around the Galactic center. The origin of this X-ray enhancement is not known, but the best ...
Readhead, A. C. S.; Mason, B. S.; Contaldi, C. R.; Pearson, T. J.; Bond, J. R.; Myers, S. T.; Padin, S.; Sievers, J. L.; Cartwright, J. K.; Shepherd, M. C.; Pogosyan, D.; Prunet, S.; Altamirano, P.; Bustos, R.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Casassus Montero, Simón; Holzapfel, W. L.; May Humeres, Jorge; Pen, U.-L.; Torres, S.; Udomprasert, P. S. (IOP PUBLISHING, 2004-07-10)Two years of microwave background observations with the Cosmic Background Imager ( CBI) have been combined to give a sensitive, high-resolution angular power spectrum over the range 400 < l < 3500. This power spectrum has ...
Padin, S.; Cartwright, J. K.; Mason, S.; Pearson, T. J.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Shepherd, M. C.; Shevers, J.; Udomprasert, P. S.; Holzapfel, W. L.; Myers, S. T.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Leitch, E. M.; Joy, M.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; May Humeres, Jorge (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2001-03-01)We present the first results of observations of the intrinsic anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation with the Cosmic Background Imager from a site at 5080 m altitude in northern Chile. Our observations ...
Sievers, J. L.; Achermann, C.; Bond, J. R.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Bustos, R.; Contaldi, C. R.; Dickinson, C.; Ferreira, P. G.; Jones, M. E.; Lewis, A. M.; Mason, B. S.; May Humeres, Jorge; Myers, S. T.; Oyarce, N.; Padin, S.; Pearson, T. J.; Pospieszalski, M.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Reeves, R.; Taylor, A. C.; Torres, S. (2007)We present new measurements of the power spectra of the E mode of cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization, the temperature T, the cross-correlation of E and T, and upper limits on the B mode from 2.5 yr of dedicated ...
Gyulbudaghian, A. L.; May Humeres, Jorge (SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, 2006-10)In this paper the results of multiwavelength investigation of an unusual nebular object SNO 85 are presented. In 2MASS images this object looks like a star with a jet. In DSS2 R image the end of the jet is connected with ...
Investigation of the conspicuous infrared star cluster and star-forming region "RCW 38 IR cluster" Gyulbudaghian, A. L.; May Humeres, Jorge (2008-01)The infrared star cluster RCW 38 IR Cluster, which is also a massive star-forming region, is investigated. The results of observations with the SEST (Cerro La Silla, Chile) telescope on the 2.6-mm (CO)-C-12 spectral line ...
López Saavedra, Celso; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Nyman, L.-Å.; May Humeres, Jorge; Garay Brignardello, Guido (EDP SCIENCES S A, 2011-10)Context. Massive condensations in giant molecular clouds (GMCs) are linked to the formation of high mass stars, which are the principal source of heavy elements and UV radiation, playing an important role in the evolution ...
Dahmen, G.; Hüttemeister, S.; Wilson, T. L.; Mauersberger, R.; Linhart, A.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Tieftrunk, A. R.; Meyer, K.; Wiedenhöver, W.; Dame, T. M.; Palmer, E. S.; May Humeres, Jorge; Aparici, J.; Mac-Auli, F. (EDITIONS PHYSIQUE, 1997-12)A large scale survey of the Galactic center region in the (CO)-O-18(J = 1 --> 0) transition is presented. This survey was obtained with the 1.2 m Southern Millimeter-Wave Telescope (SMWT) at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican ...
Luna, A.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Carrasco, L.; May Humeres, Jorge (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2006-04-20)The rotation curve for the fourth Galactic quadrant within the solar circle is derived from the Columbia University - Universidad de Chile CO (J = 1 -> 0) survey of molecular gas. A new sampling, 4 times denser in longitude ...
Sanhueza, P.; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Mardones Pérez, Diego; May Humeres, Jorge; Saito, M. (2010-05-17)We present molecular line observations, made with angular resolutions of 2000, toward the filamentary infrared dark cloud G34.43+0.24 using the APEX [CO(3 ! 2), 13CO(3 ! 2), C18O(3 ! 2) and CS(7 ! 6) transitions], ...
Röllig, M.; Kramer, C.; Rajbahak, C.; Minamidani, T.; Sun, K.; Simon, R.; Ossenkopf, V.; Cubick, M.; Hitschfeld, M.; Aravena, M.; Bensch, F.; Bertoldi, F.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Fujishita, M.; Fukui, Y.; Graf, U. U.; Honingh, N.; Ito, S.; Jakob, H.; Jacobs, K.; Klein, U.; Koo, B.-C.; May Humeres, Jorge; Miller, M.; Miyamoto, Y.; Mizuno, N.; Onishi, T.; Park, Y.-S.; Pineda, J.; Rabanus, D.; Sasago, H.; Schieder, R.; Stutzki, J.; Yamamoto, H.; Yonekura, Y. (2011-01)Aims. We aim at deriving the excitation conditions of the interstellar gas as well as the local FUV intensities in the molecular cloud surrounding NGC 3603 to get a coherent picture of how the gas is energized by the central ...
Faúndez, S.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Chini, R.; Nyman, L.-Å.; May Humeres, Jorge (E D P SCIENCES, 2004-10)We report the results of a 1.2 mm continuum emission survey toward 146 IRAS sources thought to harbour high-mass star forming regions. The sources have FIR colors typical of UCHII regions and were detected in the CS(2 --> ...
Gyulbudahgian, A. L.; May Humeres, Jorge (SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, 2008-07)Recent studies of the star formation region BBW 36 and associated molecular clouds are presented. The (CO)-C-12 (1-0) observations, carried out with the 15-m SEST (Swedish-ESO) telescope (Cerro La Silla, Chile), revealed ...
Riquelme, D.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Mauersberger, R.; May Humeres, Jorge; Wilson, T. L. (EDP Sciences, 2010-11)Aims. A large-scale survey of the Galactic center region in the 3 mm rotational transitions of SiO, HCO+ and (HCO+)-C-13 (beamsize similar to 3'.6) was conducted to provide an estimate of cloud conditions, heating mechanisms, ...
Mason, B. S.; Pearson, T. J.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Shepherd, M. C.; Sievers, J.; Udomprasert, P. S.; Cartwright, J. K.; Farmer, A. J.; Padin, S.; Myers, S. T.; Bond, J. R.; Contaldi, C. R.; Pen, U.; Prunet, S.; Pogosyan, D.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Kovac, J.; Leitch, E. M.; Pryke. C.; Halverson, N.W.; Holzapfel, W. L.; Altamirano, P.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Casassus Montero, Simón; May Humeres, Jorge; Joy, M. (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2003-07-10)We report measurements of anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background radiation over the multipole range l similar to 200 3500 with the Cosmic Background Imager based on deep observations of three fields. These results ...
Hales, A. S.; Casassus Montero, Simón; Álvarez Moreno, Héctor Julio; May Humeres, Jorge; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Readhead, A. C. S.; Pearson, T. J.; Mason, B. S.; Dodson, R. (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2004-10-01)We present observations of the Vela X region at 31 GHz using the Cosmic Background Imager ( CBI). We find a strong compact radio source (5.'9 x 4.'1, FWHM) about the Vela pulsar, which we associate with the Vela pulsar ...