Browsing by Author "XX676842"
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Gramsch, Ernesto; Muñoz, Alicia; Langner, Joakim; Morales Salinas, Luis; Espinoza Soto, Cristian Andrés; Pérez, Patricio; Rubio Campo, María A. (Elsevier, 2020)Near Santiago de Chile and towards the Andes Mountains there are several areas sensitive to contamination, such as, the Natural Sanctuary Yerba Loca, National Park Rio Clarillo, several glaciers and the Farellones ski ...
Gramsch, Ernesto; Morales Salinas, Luis; Baeza, Marcelo; Ayala, Cristian; Soto, Cristian; Neira, José; Pérez, Patricio; Moreno, Francisco (Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research, 2020)A micro-network of low-cost sensors has been built and deployed in the city of Concon with the purpose of informing the community about the air quality in their neighborhood. Currently, 10 active stations, which are installed ...
Cortes, Daniela; Silva Robledo, Herman; Baginsky Guerrero, Cecilia; Morales Salinas, Luis (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, 2017)Salvia hispanica L., known as chia, is a plant species originally from tropical and subtropical Mesoamerica. It is economically important because its seeds produce omega-3, thus its demand has increased in Chile and ...
Silva Ascencio, Herman; Garrido Salinas, Marco; Valenzuela Bonomo, Carlos; Morales Salinas, Luis; Valenzuela Jensen, Christian; Pavez Rebolledo, Sebastián; Alister Rodríguez, Sebastián (Elsevier, 2016)Chia (Salvia hispanica L.), has achieved economic importance due to the products which are obtained from its leaves with antioxidant capacity and especially its seeds, because they contain omega 3. However, there is a lack ...
Neira Román, Fernando Andrés (Universidad de Chile, 2010)La cartografía climática es de interés científico, económico y ambiental. En el caso de Chile, actualmente se encuentra dispersa, en escala inapropiada o no disponible en formato digital. Esta se ha generado a partir de ...
Fredericksen Neira, Nora Virginia (Universidad de Chile, 2010)El altiplano es una región ubicada en los Andes Centrales sobre los 3.000 – 3.500 msnm que, en términos productivos, ha sido catalogada como una zona de potencial ganadero y de producción de agua. El ganado doméstico del ...
Parra, Juan C.; Morales Salinas, Luis; Sobrino, José A.; Romero, Juan (UNIV CATOLICA DE VALPARAISO, 2011)The present article applies and compares three split-window (SW) algorithms, which allowed the estimation of sea surface temperature using data obtained from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on board ...
Cárcamo Azócar, Valeska Eliana (Universidad de Chile, 2010)Los ecosistemas de tipo mediterráneo semiárido del Valle de Puchuncaví, en la zona costera de Chile central, fueron expuestos desde 1964 a los gases y las partículas ricas en metales y metaloides provenientes del complejo ...
Olave Cuadra, Patricio Eduardo (Universidad de Chile, 2015)Los métodos de generación estocástica parten de la concepción de que los datos históricos constituyen una muestra estadística de alguna variable hidrológica en particular. Estos métodos de generación procuran reproducir ...
Olivera Guerra, Luis Enrique (Universidad de Chile, 2013)Para la planificación y gestión de los recursos hídricos se requiere conocer no sólo la cantidad de agua que llega a la superficie terrestre, sino también el agua que sale de la superficie como evapotranspiración (ET). ...
Rodríguez Echeverry, James; Echeverría, Cristian; Oyarzún, Carlos; Morales Salinas, Luis (Springer, 2018)Context Land-use change impacts biodiversity and ecosystem services, which are intrinsically related. There is a serious lack of knowledge concerning on how land-use change affects this relationship at landscape level, ...
Morales Salinas, Luis; Acevedo Hinojosa, Edmundo; Castellaro Galdames, Giorgio; Román Osorio, Luis; Morales Inostroza, Jael; Alonso, Máximo F. (PUC, 2015)In the past 20 years, different areas of research concerning native and exotic species, herbaceous crops and forest plantations have been oriented toward satisfying domestic, industrial and transportation energy requirements. ...
Montaner Fernández, Daniel; Morales Salinas, Luis; Rodríguez, José Sobrino; Cárdenas Jirón, Luz; Huete, Alfredo; Fuentes Jaque, Guillermo; Pérez Martínez, Waldo; Cabezas, Julián (MDPI, 2020)Urban heat islands (UHIs) can present significant risks to human health. Santiago, Chile has around 7 million residents, concentrated in an average density of 480 people/km(2). During the last few summer seasons, the highest ...
Toro Araya, Richard; Araya, Consuelo; Labra O., Felipe; Morales Salinas, Luis; Morales, Raúl; Leiva Guzmán, Manuel (Springer, 2017)South America is one of the most vulnerable areas to stratospheric ozone depletion; consequently, an increased amount of UV radiation reaches the Earth's surface in this region. In this study, we analyzed the long-term ...
Neira Román, José; Ortiz, Mauricio; Rolston, Dennis; Morales Salinas, Luis; Seguel Seguel, Óscar; Riveros Burgos, Camilo; Acevedo, Edmundo (Springer, 2020)This study compares the goodness of fit of 10 empirical models used to predict gas diffusivity (DpD0-1) with experimental data obtained from Chilean soil samples from different soil management practices. Nine sites under ...