Browsing by Author "XX676905"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Bassi Acuña, Alejandro; Díaz Elizondo, Jessica; Arancibia Henríquez, José Miguel; Ocampo Garcés, Adrián; Vivaldi Véjar, Ennio (Wiley Blackwell, 2016)
Ocampo Garcés, Adrián; Mena, Wilson; Hernández, Felipe; Cortés, Nelson; Palacios, Adrián G. (2006)Rest activity pattern was studied in wild-captured males of Octodon degus (n=9), Octodon bridgesi (n=3), and Spalacopus cyanus (n=6) (Rodentia: Octodontidae). Ten-minute resolution actograms were constructed from data ...
Amici, Roberto; Cerri, Matteo; Ocampo Garcés, Adrián; Baracchi, Francesca; Dentico, Daniela; Jones, Christine Ann; Luppi, Marco; Pérez, Emanuele; Parmeggiani, Pier Luigi; Zamboni, Giovanni (AMER ACAD SLEEP MEDICINE, 2008-05-01)Study Objectives: Exposure to low ambient temperature (Ta) depresses REM sleep (REMS) occurrence. In this study, both short and long-term homeostatic aspects of REMS regulation were analyzed during cold exposure and during ...
Hernández Muñoz, Felipe Andrés (Universidad de Chile, 2005)El Octodon degus ha sido descrito como un animal de actividad diurna en su medio natural. En condiciones de laboratorio, presenta un perfil predominantemente crepuscular en su ritmo de actividad-reposo. Se ha descrito la ...
Bartsch, Victoria; Díaz, Javier; González, Ignacio; Cavada Chacón, Gabriel; Ocampo Garcés, Adrián; Wyneken, Úrsula (Springer, 2014)Epileptogenesis is a progressive process which culminates with spontaneous, recurrent and unpredictable epileptic seizures due to enhanced neuronal excitability. Well-characterized animal models of this process are ...
Espinoza D., Gabriela; Córdova, T.; Díaz, J.; Bassi, A.; Vivaldi Véjar, Ennio; Ocampo Garcés, Adrián (Elsevier, 2017)Clinical manifestations of REM Behavior Disorder (BRD) include REM sleep without atonia (RWA) characterized by maintenance of muscle tonus associated to intense and frequent phasic motor events during REM sleep episodes. ...
Buller Peralta, Ingrid; Valdés Guerrero, José; Ocampo Garcés, Adrián (Wiley Blackwell, 2016)
López Romero, Sebastián Roberto (Universidad de Chile, 2009)En gatos, ratas y ratones, la cantidad de sueño de movimientos oculares rápidos (MOR) perdido durante una privación de sueño, predice durante la recuperación de sueño, el rebote de sueño MOR. Esto sugiere que el sueño MOR ...
Ocampo Garcés, Adrián; Espinoza C., Danay; Castro F., Javiera (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2012)Neural mechanisms involved in sleep and wakefulness generation are widely distributed in the central nervous system. Current models emphasize the pivotal role of the hypothalamus in controlling the activation and inhibition ...
Ocampo Garcés, Adrián; Bassi, Alejandro; Brunetti Fonseca, Enzo; Estrada, Jorge; Vivaldi Véjar, Ennio (Oxford University Press, 2020)Study Objectives: To evaluate the contribution of long-term and short-term REM sleep homeostatic processes to REM sleep recovery and the ultradian organization of the sleep wake cycle. Methods: Fifteen rats were sleep ...
Castro Faúndez, Javiera; Díaz, Javier; Ocampo Garcés, Adrián (Amer Acad Sleep Medicine, 2016)Study Objectives: To analyze the temporal organization of the sleep-wake cycle under food entrainment in the rat. Methods: Eighteen male Sprague-Dawley rats were chronically implanted for polysomnographic recording. ...