Browsing by Author "XX677156"
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
González, Juan; Reyes, Francisca; Salas, Carlos; Santiago, Margarita; Codriansky, Yael; Colihueque, Nelson; Silva Ascencio, Herman (SOCIEDAD BIOLGIA CHILE, 2006)One of the fungal pathogens that causes more agriculture damage is Botrytis cinerea. Botrytis is a constant threat to crops because the fungus infects a wide range of host species. both native and cultivated. Furthermore, ...
Reyes, Francisca; Marchant, Lorena; Norambuena Morales, Lorena; Nilo Poyanco, Ricardo; Silva Ascencio, Herman; Orellana López, Ariel (AMER SOC BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INC, 2006-04-07)The folding of glycoproteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) depends on a quality control mechanism mediated by the calnexin/calreticulin cycle. During this process, continuous glucose trimming and UDP-glucose-dependent ...
Carrasco, Basilio; Meisel, Lee; Gebauer, Marlene; García González, Rolando; Silva Ascencio, Herman (2013)This review is an overview of traditional and modern breeding methodologies being used to develop new Prunus cultivars (stone fruits) with major emphasis on peach, sweet cherry and Japanese plum. To this end, common ...
Urbina, Daniela C.; Silva Ascencio, Herman; Lee A., Meisel (2006)Thapsigargin, a specific inhibitor of most animal intracellular SERCA-type Ca2+ pumps present in the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum, was originally isolated from the roots of the Mediterranean plant Thapsia gargancia ...
Mestanza, Camilo; Riegel, Ricardo; Silva Ascencio, Herman; Vásquez, Santiago C. (PUCV, 2015)Background: Currently, the technology called Clearfield (R) is used in the development of crops resistant to herbicides that inhibit the enzyme acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS, EC AHAS is the first enzyme of the ...
Pealoza, E.; Santiago, M.; Cabrera, S.; Muñoz, G.; Corcuera, L. J.; Silva Ascencio, Herman (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2017)The root specificity and phosphate (Pi) deficiency responsiveness of high-affinity phosphate transporter (PHT1) genes point to their promoters as a sustainable system to drive Pi acquisition-related transgenes in plants. ...
Vizoso, Paula; Meisel, Lee A.; Tittarelli, Andrés; Latorre, Mariano; Saba, Juan; Caroca, Rodrigo; Maldonado, Jonathan; Cambiazo Ayala, Verónica; Campos Vargas, Reinaldo; González, Mauricio; Orellana, Ariel; Silva Ascencio, Herman (2009)Background: Cold storage is used to inhibit peach fruit ripening during shipment to distant markets. However, this cold storage can negatively affect the quality of the fruit when it is ripened, resulting in disorders ...
Koepke, Tyson; Schaeffer, Scott; Harper, Artemus; Dicenta, Federico; Edwards, Mark; Henry, Robert J.; Møller, Birger L.; Meisel, Lee; Oraguzie, Nnadozie; Silva Ascencio, Herman; Sánchez Pérez, Raquel; Dhingra, Amit (2013)Prunus is an economically important genus with a wide range of physiological and biological variability. Using the peach genome as a reference, sequencing reads from four almond accessions and one sweet cherry cultivar ...
Martínez, J. P.; Silva, H.; Ledent, J. F.; Pinto, M. (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2007-01)In the southern spring–summer season of 2001–2002 six cultivars (Orfeo, Arroz Tuscola, Barbucho, Coscorr´on, Pinto and T´ortola) of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were grown under two frequencies of irrigation in ...
Silva Ascencio, Herman; Sagardía Q., Susana; Seguel Seguel, Oscar; Torres, C.; Tapia, C.; Francka, N.; Cardemil Oliva, Liliana (ELSEVIER, 2010)The cultivation of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) has achieved economic importance due to the products which are obtained from its leaves. However, there is a scarcity of information about its agronomic management ...
Silva Ascencio, Herman; Garrido Salinas, Marco; Valenzuela Bonomo, Carlos; Morales Salinas, Luis; Valenzuela Jensen, Christian; Pavez Rebolledo, Sebastián; Alister Rodríguez, Sebastián (Elsevier, 2016)Chia (Salvia hispanica L.), has achieved economic importance due to the products which are obtained from its leaves with antioxidant capacity and especially its seeds, because they contain omega 3. However, there is a lack ...
Trainotti, Livio; Cagnin, Stefano; Prat Del Río, María Loreto; Forcato, Claudio; Bonghi, Claudio; Dhingra, Amit; Koepke, Tyson; Maldonado, Jonathan; Silva Ascencio, Herman (CRC Press, 2012)
González, M.; Salazar, E.; Castillo, J.; Morales, P.; Mura-Jornet, I.; Maldonado, J.; Silva Ascencio, Herman; Carrasco, B. (Springer, 2016)Prunus salicina is one of the most economically important stone fruits. However, there is scarce genetic information available, which makes it difficult to implement marker-assisted selection (MAS) in genetic improvement ...
Palma Rojas, Claudio; González, Carla; Carrasco, Basilio; Silva Ascencio, Herman; Silva Robledo, Herman (Elsevier, 2017)Chia-(Salvia hispanica L.) is a native plant to southern Mexico and northern Guatemala although in these days also is cultivated in others South American countries such as Bolivia and Argentina. This study describes a ...
González Agüero, Mauricio; Pávez, Leonardo; Ibáñez, Freddy; Pacheco Blanco, Igor; Campos Vargas, Reinaldo; Meisel, Lee; Orellana López, Ariel; Retamales Aranda, Julio; Silva Ascencio, Herman; González Canales, Mauricio; Cambiazo Ayala, Liliana (2008)Woolliness is a physiological disorder of peaches and nectarines that becomes apparent when fruit are ripened after prolonged periods of cold storage. This disorder is of commercial importance since shipping of peaches ...
Silva Ascencio, Herman (LOM Ediciones, 2005)
Delatorre Herrera, J.; Delfino, I.; Salinas, C.; Silva Ascencio, Herman; Cardemil Oliva, Liliana (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010-06-18)Aloe barbadensis Miller, known as Aloe Vera, requires limited irrigation depending on the capacity of the soil to retain humidity, since it is a CAM species and thus naturally adapted to conditions of dryness and high ...
Tittarelli, A.; Milla, L.; Vargas, F.; Morales, A.; Neupert, C.; Meisel, Lee; Salvo G., H.; Peñaloza, E.; Muñoz, G.; Corcuera, Luis J.; Silva Ascencio, Herman (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2007)Phosphorus deficiency is one of the major nutrient stresses affecting plant growth. Plants respond to phosphate (Pi) deficiency through multiple strategies, including the synthesis of high-affinity Pi transporters. In this ...
Latorre, Mariano; Silva Ascencio, Herman; Saba, Juan; Guziolowski, Carito; Vizoso, Paula; Martínez, Verónica; Maldonado, Jonathan; Morales, Andrea; Caroca, Rodrigo; Cambiazo Ayala, Liliana; Campos Vargas, Reinaldo; González Canales, Mauricio; Orellana López, Ariel; Retamales Aranda, Julio; Meisel, Lee (BIOMED CENTRAL LTD, 2006-11-23)Background: Expressed sequence tag ( EST) analyses provide a rapid and economical means to identify candidate genes that may be involved in a particular biological process. These ESTs are useful in many Functional Genomics ...
Escobar, Hugo; Bustos, Richard; Fernández, Felipe; Cárcamo, Henry; Silva Ascencio, Herman; Frank, Nicolás; Cardemil Oliva, Liliana (PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA CHILE, FAC AGRONOMIA INGENIERIA FORESTAL, 2009-11-10)H. Escobar, R. Bustos, F. Fernández, H. Cárcamo, H. Silva, N. Frank, and L. Cardemil. 2010. Mitigating effect of salicylic acid and nitrate on water relations and osmotic adjustment in maize, cv. Lluteño exposed to ...