Browsing by Author "a1b4f9f4-33a2-4370-8ffa-2b3c70432105"
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Nguyen, Gia Bao; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (University of Washington, 2017)We consider finite collections of N non-intersecting Brownian paths on the line and on the half-line with both absorbing and reflecting boundary conditions (corresponding to Brownian excursions and reflected Brownian ...
Carmona, Philippe; Nguyen, Gia Bao; Petrelis, Nicolas (Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2016)In this paper, we investigate a model for a 1 1 dimensional self interacting and partially directed self-avoiding walk, usually referred to by the acronym IPDSAW. The interaction intensity and the free energy of the system ...
Nguyen, Gia Bao; Remenik Zisis, Daniel (Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2017)We show that the squared maximal height of the top path amongNnon-intersecting Brownian bridges starting andending at the origin is distributed as the top eigenvalue of a random matrix drawn from the Laguerre Orthogonal ...