Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Paula Lima, Andrea; Adasme, Tatiana; San Martín Rovirosa, Carol; Sebollela, Adriano; Hetz Flores, Claudio; Carrasco, M. Angélica; Ferreira, Sergio T.; Hidalgo Tapia, María Cecilia (2011)
      Soluble amyloid β-peptide oligomers (AβOs), increasingly recognized as causative agents of Alzheimer's disease (AD), disrupt neuronal Ca2+ homeostasis and synaptic function. Here, we report that AβOs at sublethal concentrations ...
    • Sebollela, Adriano; Freitas-Correa, Leo; Oliveira, Fabio F.; Paula-Lima, Andrea C.; Saraiva, Leonardo M.; Martins, Samantha M.; Mota, Louise D.; Torres, Cesar; Alves-Leon, Soniza; De Souza, Jorge M.; Carraro, Dirce María; Brentani, Helena; De Felice, Fernanda G.; Ferreir (2012)
      Cognitive decline in Alzheimer disease (AD) is increasingly attributed to the neuronal impact of soluble oligomers of the amyloid-β peptide (AβOs). Current knowledge on the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the ...