Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Salazar, Diego; Arenas, Camila; Andrade, Pedro; Olguín, Laura; Torres, Jimena; Flores, Carola; Vargas, Gabriel; Rebolledo, Sandra; Borie Cervellino, César Ignacio; Sandoval, Consuelo; Silva, Claudia; Delgado, Ayelén; Lira, Nicolás; Robles, Camilo (Elsevier, 2018-04-20)
      In this paper, we present recent data on Early Holocene human occupations from Taltal, in the coast of the Atacama Desert. We focus on evidences of mobility and subsistence economy, discussing the data in terms of a concept ...
    • Morales Bozo, Irene; Urzúa Orellana, Blanca; Landaeta, Mirtha; Montalbán, Raúl; Torres, Jimena; Pinochet, Alvaro; Valverde, Gustavo; Muñoz Martínez, Andrea (2007)
      Infantile chronic recurrent parotitis (ICRP) is an insidious disease whose etiopathogenesis remains an enigma. Alterations in the physical appearance of parotid saliva from ICRP patients have been frequently reported. ...
    • Torres, Jimena; Ruz, Jimena (2011)
      The first canoe occupations, 6000 yr bP in the Strait of Magellan and Otway sea, count with important information on the hunting of marine mammals and their importance in the canoe way of life (Legoupil 1997, San Román ...