Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Castro, Lorena; Yarur, Andrés; Segovia, Roberto; Ponce, Rodrigo; Uribe, Mario; Ferrario, Mario; Buckel, Erwin; Iturriaga, Hernán (2009)
      We report a 33 year-old female with a diagnosis of halothane-induce fulminant hepatic failure who was subjected to a liver transplant with an ABOincompatible graft. The patient received a therapeutic protocol that included ...
    • Hepp K., Juan; Zapata, Rodrigo; Buckel, Erwin; Martínez, Jorge; Uribe, Mario; Díaz, Juan Carlos; Ferrario, Mario; Sanhueza, Edgar; Pérez, Rosa María; Hunter, Bessie; Ríos, Gloria; Humeres, Roberto; Poniachik Teller, Jaime; Oksenberg Reisberg, Dan; Arrese, Marco (2008)
      Liver transplantation is an excellent therapeutic option for terminal liver disease. During the last decades the results of liver transplantation have improved significantly with a patient survival rate of nearly 90% at ...
    • Yarur, Andrés; Castro, Lorena; Segovia, Roberto; Roblero Cum, Juan; Uribe, Mario; Ferrario, Mario; Buckel, Erwin (2009)
      Although the use of cadaveric split or living donor liver transplantation is a valid option for liver transplants, they have several complications, being the "small-for-size syndrome" one of the most frequent. This entity ...