Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Gómez, Yolanda; Rodríguez, Luis F.; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Moran, James M. (The American Astronomical Society, 1991-08-20)
      VLA observations of ammonia in the (J, K) = (2, 2) and (3, 3) inversion transitions toward the compact H II region G5.89 - 0.39 are presented. These observations reveal the presence of a massive and hot molecular envelope ...
    • Gómez, Yolanda; Moran, James M.; Rodríguez, Luis F.; Garay Brignardello, Guido (The American Astronomical Society, 1988-10-15)
      New 6 cm continuum and radio recombination line VLA observations as well as CO observations are presented of the bright PN NGC 6302. The H110-alpha line is significantly broader than the H76-alpha line, an effect which is ...
    • Gómez, Yolanda; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Lizano, Susana (The American Astronomical Society, 1995-11-10)
      We present observations of the (J, K) = (2, 2) and (3, 3) inversion transitions of ammonia, made at ˜4" resolution with the VLA, in the direction of the G32.80 + 0.19 and G61.48 + 0.09 star-forming regions, which contain ...