Browsing by Author "b690de47-9037-4b4f-bf4e-24e523d590ba"
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Hora, Andre; Robbes, Romain; Valente, Marco Tulio; Anquetil, Nicolas; Etien, Anne; Ducasse, Stephane (Springer, 2018)Software engineering research now considers that no system is an island, but it is part of an ecosystem involving other systems, developers, and users. When a framework or a library evolves, its clients often must adapt. ...
Silva, Leonardo Humberto; Valente, Marco Tulio; Bergel, Alexandre; Anquetil, Nicolás; Etien, Anne (Wiley, 2017)JavaScript is the most popular programming language for the Web. Although the language is prototype-based, developers can emulate class-based abstractions in JavaScript to master the increasing complexity of their applications. ...
Sandoval Alcocer, Juan; Bergel, Alexandre; Valente, Marco Tulio (ACM, 2016)Source code changes may inadvertently introduce performance regressions. Benchmarking each software version is traditionally employed to identify performance regressions. Although e↵ective, this exhaustive approach is ...
Sandoval Alcocer, Juan Pablo; Bergel, Alexandre; Valente, Marco Tulio (Elsevier, 2020)Context: Software performance may suffer regressions caused by source code changes. Measuring performance at each new software version is useful for early detection of performance regressions. However, systematically running ...
Silva, Leonardo Humberto; Valente, Marco Tulio; Bergel, Alexandre (Springer Verlag, 2017)JavaScript systems are becoming increasingly complex and large. To tackle the challenges involved in implementing these systems, the language is evolving to include several constructions for programmingin- the-large. ...
Silva, Leonardo Humberto; Valente, Marco Tulio; Bergel, Alexandre (IEEE, 2017)Identifying dependencies between classes is an essen-tial activity when maintaining and evolving software applications.It is also known that JavaScript developers often use classes tostructure their projects. This happens ...