Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Espina González, Enrique Antonio (Universidad de Chile, 2017)
      El presente proyecto de tesis se centra en el estudio de diferentes estrategias de control droop de potencia activa y reactiva monofásica para aplicar en micro-redes de 4 hilos. El proyecto consiste en implementar las ...
    • Espina González, Enrique; Cárdenas Dobson, Roberto; Espinoza-B, Mauricio; Burgos Mellado, Claudio; Sáez Hueichapan, Doris (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020)
      Collaborative control of power converters operating in microgrids with unbalanced single-phase loads is difficult to achieve, considering that the voltages and currents have positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence components. ...
    • Burgos Mellado, Claudia; Llanos, Jacqueline; Espina González, Enrique; Sáez Hueichapan, Doris; Cárdenas Dobson, Roberto; Sumner, Mark; Watson, Alan (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020)
      A distributed control strategy is proposed to share unbalanced currents in three-phase three-wire isolated AC Microgrids (MGs). It is based on a novel approach where, rather than analysing the MG as a three-phase system, ...