Browsing by Author "bfbf1740-144f-403c-ae34-a15a95d3b149"
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Agosin, Moises; Aravena, Luisa; Neghme, Amador (1965)The effect of DDT and DDE, a DDT-non toxic analog, on protein biosynthesis in Triatoma infestans nymphs and adult specimens has been studied. DDT increases the in vivo rate of incorporation of dl-leucine-1-C14 into total ...
Neghme, Amador; Agosin, Moises; Christen, Rene; Rubio, Mafalda (1952)1. 1. Aureomycin produced inhibition of B. coli in vitro beginning at 0.4 mg/ml concentration. 2. 2. At 24 hours terramycin produced marked diminution of parasites in vitro at 0.6 mg/ml. Concentrations of 0.2 and 0.4 mg/ml ...
Agosin, Moises; von Brand, Theodor; Rivera, G. F.; McMahon, Patricia (1957)1. 1. Hydatid cyst scolices contain large amounts of protein and smaller amounts of lipids. Less inorganic substances are present than in other immature tapeworms. Two polysaccharides are stored: glycogen and a polysaccharide ...