Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Guerrero, Simón; Díaz García, Víctor; Contreras-Orellana, Pamela; Muñoz Lara, Pablo; Palma, Sujey; Guzmán, Fanny; Lobos González, Lorena; Cárdenas, Areli; Rojas Silva, Ximena; Muñoz, Luis; Leyton Campos, Lisette; Kogan Bocian, Marcelo; Quest, Andrew F. G. (Future Medicine, 2018-06)
      Aim: To track early events during lung metastasis, we labeled cells expressing (B16F10(CAV1)) or lacking CAV1 (B16F10(mock)) with gold nanoparticles conjugated to the peptide TAT (AuNPs-PEG-TAT). Methods: B16F10 expressing ...
    • Morales Zavala, Francisco; Arriagada, Hector; Hassan, Natalia; Velasco, Carolina; Riveros Salvatierra, Ana; Álvarez, Alejandra R.; Minniti, Alicia N.; Rojas Silva, Ximena; Munoz, Luis L.; Vásquez Salfate, Rodrigo; Rodríguez, Katherine; Sánchez Navarro, Macarena; Giralt, Ernest; Araya, Eyleen; Aldunate, Rebeca; Kogan Bocian, Marcelo (Elsevier, 2017)
      The properties of nanometric materials make nanotechnology a promising platform for tackling problems of contemporary medicine. In this work, gold nanorods were synthetized and stabilized with polyethylene glycols and ...