Browsing by Author "ca2863e8-7760-4762-8c2a-143d8db0a922"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Hartig, Olaf; Letter, Ian; Pérez, Jorge (Springer, 2017)The Linked Data Fragment (LDF) framework has been proposed as auniform view to explore the trade-offs of consuming Linked Data when serversprovide (possibly many) different interfaces to access their data. Every such ...
Hartig, Olaf; Pérez, Jorge (CEUR-WS, 2017)Facebook's GraphQL is a recently proposed, and increasingly adopted, conceptual framework for providing a new type of data access interface on the Web. The framework includes a new graph query language whose semantics has ...
Hartig, Olaf; Pérez Rojas, Jorge (Elsevier Science BV, 2016-12)The Web of Linked Data is composed of tons of RDF documents interlinked to each other forming a huge repository of distributed semantic data. Effectively querying this distributed data source is an important open problem ...