Browsing by Author "cf4c7046-d409-4cc2-8802-cad80dab70c0"
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Backhouse, N.; Delporte, C.; Negrete, R.; Salinas, P.; Pinto, A.; Aravena, S.; Cassels Niven, Bruce (Swets en Zeitlinger B.V., 1996)The antipyretic and antiinflammatory properties of the infusions and methanol extracts of the whole plant of Cuscuta chilensis Ker-Gawl. and of the aerial parts of Cestrum parqui L'Hérit. and Psoralea glandulosa L. were ...
Electrode arrangements for continuous measurement of dispersion conductivity in lab flotation cells Maldonado, M.; Pinto, A.; Gómez, C. O.; Becerra Yoma, Néstor (Elsevier, 2017)Electrical conductivity, an intensive property of materials, has been used in flotation for measuring important process variables such as froth depth, bias rate, solid and gas holdup. Most of these applications were based ...
Honeyman Mauro, Juan; Honeyman, A. R.; de La Parra, M.; Pinto, A.; Eguiguren, G. J. (1979)The authors describe 20 patients with a chronic polymorphic eruption; they shared clinical, histopathological, and therapeutic features of both dermatitis herpetiformis and bullous pemphigoid (BP). In 14 of these 20 cases, ...