Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Naranjo, J.; Poniachik Teller, Jaime; Cisco, D.; Contreras Levicoy, Juan; Oksenberg Reisberg, Dan; Valera M., José Miguel; Díaz Jeraldo, Juan; Rojas, J.; Cardemil Herrera, Gonzalo; Mena, S.; Castillo, J.; Rencoret, Guillermo; Godoy, J.; Escobar Delgado, Jaime; Rodríguez, J.; Leyton, Patricio; Fica Cubillos, Alberto; Toledo, C. (2007)
      Oral ulcers are a frequent problem in transplant medicine. It is important to consider infectious etiologies, exacerbated by the immunosuppressive treatment, but other etiologies are also possible, like adverse drug ...