Browsing by Author "d964b555-85a6-4dd6-b22a-d5447504b7be"
Now showing items 1-20 of 39
Martínez Tilleria, Karina; Núñez Ávila, Mariela; León, Carolina A.; Pliscoff, Patricio; Squeo, Francisco A.; Armesto, Juan J. (Springer, 2017)Countries that are signatories of the Convention of Biological Diversity are committed to the goal of protecting 17% of their natural ecosystems by 2020. The lack of an up-to-date, operational classification and cartography ...
Ramos Jiliberto, Rodrigo; Albornoz, Abraham A.; Valdovinos, Fernanda S.; Smith Ramírez, Cecilia; Arim, Matías; Armesto, Juan J.; Marquet, Pablo A. (2009)This study characterizes the structure of a plant-pollinator network in a temperate rain forest of Chiloé Island, southern Chile, where woody species are strongly dependent on biotic pollinators, and analyzes its robustness ...
Root-Bernstein, Meredith; Valenzuela, Rafael; Huerta, Maragrita; Armesto, Juan J.; Jaksic, Fabián (Wiley, 2017)The successional pathways linking the Acacia caven-dominated savanna habitat '' espinal '' and the closed sclerophyllous forest of central Chile have long been debated. Previously, espinal was considered an invasive ...
Díaz, Iván; Papic, Claudia; Armesto, Juan J. (Blackwell Munksgaard, 1999)Seeds of seven tree species, six shrub species, and one epiphyte were tested for their rates of removal by seed predators in two remnant patches (15-20 ha) of old-growth temperate forest in Chiloe Island, southern Chile ...
Hinojosa Opazo, Luis; Armesto, Juan J.; Villagrán Moraga, Carolina (BLACKWELL, 2006-02)Aim We ask whether contemporary forests of the Chilean Coastal Range can be considered to be direct and conservative descendants of pre-Pleistocene palaeofloras that occurred in southern South America from the Palaeogene ...
Pérez, Cecilia; Thomas, Frank; Silva, Wladimir; Aguilera, Rodrigo; Armesto, Juan J. (Springer, 2017)Biological nitrogen fixation is a key ecosystem function incorporating new nitrogen (N) during primary successions. Increasing evidence from tropical and northern temperate forests shows that phosphorus (P) and molybdenum ...
Pérez Quezada, Jorge; Celis Diez, Juan L.; Brito, Carla E.; Gaxiola, Aurora; Núñez-Ávila, Mariela; Pugnaire, Francisco I.; Armesto, Juan J. (Wiley, 2018-04)Ecosystems where carbon fluxes are being monitored on a global scale are strongly biased toward temperate Northern Hemisphere latitudes. However, forest and moorland ecosystems in the Southern Hemisphere may contribute ...
Aravena, Juan C.; Carmona, Martín R.; Pérez, Cecilia A.; Armesto, Juan J. (Sociedad de Biologia de Chile, 2002)We studied a chronosequence of forest fragments in northern Chiloé Island, southern Chile, with the aim of assessing ecosystem recovery patterns following anthropogenic disturbance. Hypotheses regarding successional trends ...
Smith Ramírez, Cecilia; Ramos Jiliberto, Rodrigo; Valdovinos, Fernanda S.; Gajardo Martínez, Paula Natalia; Castillo, Jessica A.; Armesto, Juan J. (Springer, 2014)Long-term studies of plant–pollinator interactions are almost nonexistent in the scientific literature. The objective of the present study was to determine changes and trends in the pollinator assemblage of ulmo (Eucryphia ...
Devall, Margaret S.; Parresol, Bernard R.; Armesto, Juan J. (1998)Lumbering of Fitzroya cupressoides in Chile began in 1599 and continued until 1976, when the species was declared a national monument and cutting of live trees was prohibited. Today, F. cupressoides is threatened; many of ...
Medel Contreras, Rodrigo; Jiménez, Jaime E.; Jaksic, Fabián; Yáñez, JoséL L.; Armesto, Juan J. (1990)The rare Darwin's fox Dusicyon fulvipes (Martin, 1837) was thought to be restricted to Chiloé Island in southern Chile, and to be a subspecies of Dusicyon griseus. We report the finding of a continental population of D. ...
Gutiérrez, Alvaro G.; Armesto, Juan J.; Aravena, Juan Carlos (2004)1 Few studies have addressed the mechanisms of coexistence of shade-tolerant and intolerant tree species in the canopy of old-growth, lowland rain forests of southern South America. We explored the hypothesis that their ...
Rozzi, Ricardo; Arroyo, Mary T. K.; Armesto, Juan J. (1997)In the Andes of Central Chile, flowering commences 1-2 months earlier on equatorial-(north-) facing than on polar- (south-) facing slopes, and pollinator assemblages also differ between these habitats. In order to understand ...
Rüger, Nadja; Gutiérrez, Álvaro G.; Kissling, W. Daniel; Armesto, Juan J.; Huth, Andreas (Elsevier, 2007)Current forestry practices in Chile largely rely on exotic tree plantations, and limited management experiences are available for the species-rich native evergreen rain forests. Yet, conservationists and forest scientists ...
Chacón Flores, Paulina; Armesto, Juan J. (Taylor & Francis, 2005)Tree species of intermediate-shade tolerance may regenerate in canopy gaps as well as in the forest understory. However, seedling performance may vary widely between shaded and open habitats. In this study, we assessed the ...
Pérez, Sandra E.; Pérez, Cecilia A.; Carmona, Martín R.; Fariña, José M.; Armesto, Juan J. (2008)Nitrogen input to evergreen températe forests of Chiloé Island, Chile occurs predominantly via non-symbiotic fixation (NSF). Because this is a bacterial-mediated process (diazotrophs), in addition to environmental factors ...
Pérez, Cecilia A.; Carmona, Martín R.; Aravena, Juan Carlos; FariÑa, José M.; Armesto, Juan J. (2009)We investigated the local environmental controls on daily fluctuations of cumulative radial increment and cambial hydration of three dominant, evergreen tree species from montane, Coastal rainforests of Chiloé Island, Chile ...
Pérez, Cecilia A.; Carmona, Martín R.; Aravena, Juan C.; Armesto, Juan J. (2004)
Aldunate, Carlos; Villagrán, Carolina; Armesto, Juan J.; Castro, Victoria (Springer-Verlag, 1983)The perception of the surrounding environment and use of the flora by the inhabitants of Toconce, a Pre-Altiplanic community in the Andes of northern Chile, were investigated. Six ecological units, which are given the local ...
Smith-Ramirez, Cecilia; Armesto, Juan J. (2003)We investigated the effects of forest patch size on the behaviour of birds feeding on the fower nectar of the proteaceous tree Embothrium coccineum J. R. et G. Forster, which is typically restricted to forest edges in ...