Browsing by Author "e01fc32d-e055-46cc-a46c-3c70fe183001"
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Estay Larenas, Juan; Martin Casielles, Javier; Vildósola Grez, Patricio; Mjor, I. A.; Oliveira, Osmir Batista; Andrade, M. F.; Moncada, G.; Gordan, V. V.; Fernández Godoy, Eduardo (Operative Dentistry Inc., 2017)Objectives: The aim of this study was to clinically evaluate posterior amalgam and resin composite restorations refurbished over a period of 12 years by investigating the influence of refurbishing on the survival of ...
Corral Nuñez, Camila; Covarrubias Gallardo, Cristián; Fernández Godoy, Eduardo; Oliveira, Osmir Batista (Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, 2017)Objective: To prepare nanocomposite cements based on the incorporation of bioactive glass nanoparticles (nBGs) into Biodentine (TM) (BD, Septodent, Saint-Maur-des-Fosses Cedex, France) and to assess their bioactive properties. ...
Hevia, J.; Fresno Rivas, María Consuelo; Martín Casielles, Javier; Moncada, G.; Letelier, C.; Oliveira, Osmir Batista; Fernández Godoy, Eduardo (Sociedad de Periodoncia de Chile, 2013)terceros molares sanos, con indicación de exodoncia, de donantes sanos de edades entre 15 y 30 años fueron obtenidos mediante consentimiento informado. Luego de limpiarlos, desinfectarlos, incluirlos en resina epóxica y ...
Optical Dental Whitening Efficacy of Blue Covarine Toothpaste in Teeth Stained by Different Colors Oliveira, Morgana; Fernández Godoy, Eduardo; Bortolatto, Janaina; Oliveira, Osmir Batista; Bandeca, Matheus; Khajotia, Sharukh; Florez, Fernando (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)Objective: Evaluate the immediate and cumulative optical whitening efficacy of a blue covarine toothpaste. Materials and Methods: 180 bovine tooth specimens with similar shade (Delta E<3.5) were staining of different ...
Martin, Javier; Rivas, Vanessa; Vildósola Grez, Patricio; Moncada, Laura; Oliveira, Osmir; Saad, José; Fernández Godoy, Eduardo; Moncada, Gustavo (Associacao Brasileira de Divulgacao Cientifica, 2016)In the last years the focus in dentistry has shifted to an "esthetic dentistry" approach, where patients are concerned about reaching a better look of their teeth. Vital tooth bleaching is a technique with immediate results, ...
Estay Larenas, Juan; Casielles, Javier Martin; Vildósola Grez, Patricio; Villablanca Martínez, Claudia Alejandra; Mjor, Ivar A.; Oliveira, Osmir Batista; Laske, Mark; Loomans, Bas A.; Ferrarezi de Andrade, Marcelo; Moncada Cortés, Gustavo; Gordan, Valeria V.; Opdam, Niek J. M; Fernández Godoy, Eduardo (Mosher & Linder, 2018)Purpose: To evaluate sealed amalgam and resin-based composite restorations after 12 years to determine whether sealing minor defects (micro-repairs) enhanced the longevity of restorations. Methods: 34 subjects aged 18-80 ...