Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Belmar, Carolina A.; Alfaro, Silvia; Munita, Doina; Albornoz, Ximena; Carrasco, Carolina; Echeverría, Javier; Mera, Rodrigo; Adán, Leonor; Quiroz, Luciana; Niemeyer, Hermann M.; Planella, Maria Teresa (Universidad de Magallanes, 2017)
      Archaeological and ethnohistorial data show that smoking practices in the central-southern region of Chile begins during the Early Ceramic period and continue until historical times. In view of this long time span, twelve ...
    • Belmar Pantelis, Carolina; Alfaro, Silvia; Munita, Doina; Albornoz, Ximena; Carrasco, Carolina; Echeverría, Javier; Mera, Rodrigo; Adán, Leonor; Quiróz, Luciana; Niemeyer Marich, August; Planella, Teresa (Universidad de Magallanes, 2017)
      El registro de prácticas fumatorias tiene larga data en la zona centro-sur de Chile, donde la información arqueológica y etnohistórica marcan el inicio de estas actividades para el período Alfarero Temprano hasta momentos ...
    • Belmar Pantelis, Carolina; Albornoz, Ximena; Alfaro, Silvia; Meneses, Fernanda; Carrasco, Carolina; Quiroz, Luciana; Babot, María del Pilar; Planella, María teresa (Univ Tarapacá, 2016)
      To broaden the definition of the Smoking Complex proposed for La Granja site (Cachapoal river valley, VIth Region, Central Chile, 130-1000 AD) we have studied the microfossils contained in 62 smoking pipes. Our aim is to ...