Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Herrera, María José; Hermoso Ramello, Marcela; Quera Pino, Rodrigo (2009)
      Celiac disease (CD), with a 1% world-wide prevalence, is an enteropathy caused by an autoimmune reaction to gluten in genetically susceptible individuals, that codify for histocompatibility molecules HLA DQ-2/DQ-8. From ...
    • Uribe Rodríguez, Mauricio; Angelo, Dante; Capriles, José; Castro, Victoria; De Porras, María Eugenia; García, Magdalena; Gayo, Eugenia; González, Josefina; Herrera, María José; Izaurieta, Roberto; Maldonado, Antonio; Mandakovic, Valentina; McRostie, Virginia; Razeto Migliaro, Jorge; Santana, Francisca; Santoro, Calogero; Valenzuela, Jimena; Vidal, Alejandra (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
      En este trabajo se describen las relaciones que las sociedades humanas establecieron con su entorno durante el período Formativo (3000-1000 aP) en la Pampa del Tamarugal, Desierto de Atacama, desde una perspectiva ...
    • Herrera, María José; Retamal Yermani, Rodrigo (Elsevier, 2017)
      The aim of this study was to test the reliability of Osborne et al. (2004) [8] age estimation based on the iliac auricular surface of the ilium. We selected 172 skeletons with documented sex and age-at-death and established ...
    • Falabella Gellona, Fernanda; Sanhueza Riquelme, Lorena; Abarca, Violeta; Herrera, María José (Elsevier, 2020)
      The horticultural societies of the central zone of Chile in the first millennium AD and the first half of the second have been the subject of archaeological study for many years, and their cultural contexts have been ...