Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • Areche, Carlos; Zapata, Francisca; González, Mathias; Díaz, Esteban; Montecinos, Rubén; Hernández, Marcos; Melo, Francisco; Cornejo, Alberto (Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2019)
      Tau protein is a natively unfolded protein whose primary role is to participate in axonal transport closely associated with microtubules. Neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's disease and Tauopathies involved ...
    • Muñoz, Romina; Aguilar-Sandoval, Felipe; Bellon, Ludovic; Melo, Francisco (Public Library of Science, 2017)
      © 2017 Muñoz et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original ...
    • Tamayo Villarroel, Laura; Melo, Francisco; Caballero, Leonardo; Hamm, Eugenio; Díaz, M.; Leal, M. S.; Guiliani, Nicolás; Urzúa, M. D. (American Chemical Society, 2020)
      The factors governing bacterial adhesion to substrates with different topographies are still not fully identified. The present work seeks to elucidate for the first time and with quantitative data the roles of bacterial ...
    • Faunes, Fernando; Sanchez, Natalia; Moreno, Mauricio; Olivares, Gonzalo H.; Lee-Liu, Dasfne; Almonacid, Leonardo; Slater, Alex W.; Norambuena, Tomas; Taft, Ryan J.; Mattick, John S.; Melo, Francisco; Larrain, Juan (2011)
      Transposable elements comprise a large proportion of animal genomes. Transposons can have detrimental effects on genome stability but also offer positive roles for genome evolution and gene expression regulation. Proper ...
    • Massone, Leonardo; Melo, Francisco (Elsevier Ltd, 2018)
      The capacity of structural systems subjected to shear loads commonly distinguished by discontinuities such as point loads or supports, or abrupt changes of cross section, where complex fields of stresses and strains are ...
    • Retamal, Ignacio N.; Hernández, Romina; Melo, Francisco; Zapata, Paulina; Martínez Winkler, Jorge; Martínez, Constanza; Smith, Patricio C. (American Academy of Periodontology, 2017)
      Background: Glucose-derived metabolites may alter the structure and biologic properties of important proteins in periodontium, such as collagens. As a consequence, it is possible that collagen-binding cells may change their ...
    • Riveros, Ana; Dadlani, Komal; Salas, Edison; Caballero, Leonardo; Melo, Francisco; Kogan Bocian, Marcelo (American Scientific Publishers, 2013)
      There has been an increase in the research towards the use of nanoparticles as a promising tool for nanomedicine, from imagenology, drug and gene delivery, to phototherapy. Little is known regarding the interaction between ...
    • González Cortes, Pablo; Araya Hermosilla, Rodrigo; Araya Hermosilla, Esteban; Acuña, Daniela; Mautner, Andreas; Caballero, Leonardo; Melo, Francisco; Moreno Villoslada, Ignacio; Picchioni, Francesco; Rolleri, Aldo; Quero, Franck (Elsevier, 2020)
      In the present work, microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) suspensions were produced by high-pressure homogenization and subsequently used to fabricate MFC membranes (C-1) by vacuum filtration followed by hot-pressing. A ...
    • Quero, Franck; Padilla, Cristina; Campos, Vanessa; Luengo, Jorge; Caballero, Leonardo; Melo, Francisco; Li, Qiang; Eichhorn, Stephen J.; Enrione, Javier (Elsevier, 2018-09)
      Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) obtained from eucalyptus was embedded in gelatin from two sources; namely bovine and salmon gelatin. Raman spectroscopy revealed that stress is transferred more efficiently from bovine ...