Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Fuentes, Carolina; Herskovic, Valeria; Rodriguez, Iyubanit; Gerea, Carmen; Marques Samary, Maira Rejane; Rossel, Pedro O. (Springer, 2017)
      Emotional information is complex to manage by humans and computers alike, so it is difficult for users to express emotional information through technology. Two main approaches are used to gather this type of information: ...
    • Marques, Maíra; Simmonds, Jocelyn; Rossel, Pedro O.; Bastarrica, María Cecilia (Elsevier B.V., 2019)
      © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Context: Software Product Lines (SPL) evolve when there are changes in the requirements, product structure or the technology being used. Different approaches have been proposed for managing SPL assets ...
    • Rodríguez, Iyubanit; Herskovic, Valeria; Gerea, Carmen; Guerra Fuentes, Carolina; Rossel, Pedro O.; Marques Samary, Maira Rejane; Campos, Mauricio (JMIR Publications, Inc., 2017)
      Background: Monitoring of patients may decrease treatment costs and improve quality of care. Pain is the most common health problem that people seek help for in hospitals. Therefore, monitoring patients with pain may have ...