Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Torres, Juan P.; Labraña, Yenis; Ibañez, Carolina; Kasaneva, Pilar; Farfán, Mauricio J.; Maza León, Verónica de la; Villarroel, Milena; Vergara, Ivonne; Piemonte, Paula; Zubieta, Marcela; Salgado, Carmen; Tordecilla, Juan; Topelberg, Santiago; O'Ryan Gallardo, Miguel; Santolaya de Pablo, María Elena (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2012)
      Background: The role of respiratory viral infections (RVIs) as a cause of overall fever and neutropenia (FN) episodes in children with cancer has been less characterized than bacterial infections. We conducted a study aimed ...
    • Izquierdo Copiz, Giannina; Garcia, Patricia; Aravena, Marta; Delpiano, Luis; Reyes, Alejandra; Cofré, Fernanda; Hernández, Mariluz; Sandoval, Alejandra; Labraña, Yenis (Sociedad Chilena de Infectología, 2018)
      The request of blood cultures in medical care is frequent, especially in Neonatal Units, where it is performed routinely in case of suspected early or late sepsis. The purpose of this document is to standardize the sampling ...
    • Reyes, Alejandra; Hernández, Mariluz; Delpiano, Luis; Izquierdo, Giannina; Cofré, Fernanda; Aravena, Marta; Labraña, Yenis; Sandoval, Alejandra (Sociedad Chilena de Infectología, 2020)
      La tuberculosis en etapa neonatal tiene una alta morbimortalidad, es de difícil diagnóstico e involucra al binomio madre-hijo y su entorno. Las características particulares del sistema inmune en la mujer gestante y el ...